Chapter 1- Gross Anatomy and Physiology Flashcards
The skin, hair, and subcutis of a newborn puppy represent what percentage of its body weight?
By the time a puppy matures, the skin, hair and subcutis represents what percentage of its body weight?
Skin thickness decreases in which direction on the trunk?
Dorsally to ventrally (thicker dorsally)
Skin thickness decreased in which direction on the limbs?
proximally to distally
On what five body regions is thin the thickest?
Forehead, dorsal neck, dorsal thorax, rump, base of tail
On what four regions of the body is skin the thinnest?
- pinnae 2. axillary region 3. inguinal region 4. perianal region
What is the average thickness of the general body skin of cats?
0.4 to 2.0 mm
What is the average thickness of the general body skin of dogs?
0.5 to 5.0 mm
The haircoat is usually thickest over what aspects of the body?
The haircoat is usually thinnest on what aspects of the body?
Ventrally, concave surface of the pinnae, undersurface of the tail
Are the skin surfaces of haired mammals generally basic or acidic?
What role does the pH of the skin play?
The acidic pH may help protect skin from microbial invasion; pH influences permeability and keratinization
pH of normal canine skin (range)
4.84 to 9.95
pH of normal feline skin (range and average)
5.6 to 7.4; 6.4
Do male dogs or female dogs have higher pH of their skin in general?
Do intact females or spayed female dogs have higher pH values of their skin at all sites?
spayed females
Do yellow labs or black labs have significantly higher pH values of their skin?
black labs
How can excitement influence the skin pH of a dog?
The skin surface pH of an excited dog can increase by greater than 1 unite within 1 minute
How well is the metabolism of the skin understood?
Not very
Glucose is preferentially metabolized to _______ rather than fully oxidized to CO2.
The skin is an active site of what kind of metabolism?
Fatty acid