Chapter 1 Flashcards
brain hypothesis
the brain is the source of behavior
neuron hypothesis
the unit of brain structure and function is the neuron
cognitive functions localized in specific brain areas
- laid foundation for localization of function
- precursor for many maps of the brain

corticospinal tract
connects brain to muscle
broca’s area

corpus callosum
connects right and left hemispheres (largest)
wernicke’s area
connected to Broca’s area via arcuate fasiculus

connection aphasia
disconnection between Broca’s area and Wernicke’s area will impair word repetition while speech production and movement will be retained

Paul Broca
patient paralyzed on right side of the body
levels of functional hierarchy
- spinal cord
- brainstem
- forebrain

Carl Wernicke
- proposed first model for organization of language
- proposed that regions of the brain have different functions but still must interact to work correctly
- identified that the left hemisphere was dominant for language

just because a part of the brain is lesioned does not mean that the function cannot be recovered
Pierre Flourens
- removed areas of cortex in animal brain and studied changes in behavior
- refuted localization of function
- showed no specialization for cortex
- specialization for brain stem
- remaining brain stem can substitute for function of cortex
functional hierarchy of the brain
- each successively higher level of nervous system controls more complex aspects of behavior
- when higher levels are damaged, behavior becomes simpler, less evolved
patient HM
- removal of a part of temporal lobe to treat epilepsy
- partial amnesia
- able to learn motor skills
- inability to remember acquiring that skill
- multiple memory systems
neuron theory
- neurons are the nerve cells in the brain and work as its functional units
- neuron sends electrical signals along the dendrites and axons by chemical means
- neurons communicate via synapses
- neurons are plastic
the brain is the source of behavior
brain hypothesis
the unit of brain structure and function is the neuron
neuron hypothesis
cognitive functions localized in specific brain areas
- laid foundation for localization of function
- precursor for many maps of the brain
connects brain to muscle
corticospinal tract

broca’s area
connects right and left hemispheres (largest)
corpus callosum
connected to Broca’s area via arcuate fasiculus
wernicke’s area
disconnection between Broca’s area and Wernicke’s area will impair word repetition while speech production and movement will be retained
connection aphasia
patient paralyzed on right side of the body
Paul Broca
- spinal cord
- brainstem
- forebrain

levels of functional hierarchy
- proposed first model for organization of language
- proposed that regions of the brain have different functions but still must interact to work correctly
- identified that the left hemisphere was dominant for language
Carl Wernicke
just because a part of the brain is lesioned does not mean that the function cannot be recovered
- removed areas of cortex in animal brain and studied changes in behavior
- refuted localization of function
- showed no specialization for cortex
- specialization for brain stem
- remaining brain stem can substitute for function of cortex
Pierre Flourens
- each successively higher level of nervous system controls more complex aspects of behavior
- when higher levels are damaged, behavior becomes simpler, less evolved
functional hierarchy of the brain
- removal of a part of temporal lobe to treat epilepsy
- partial amnesia
- able to learn motor skills
- inability to remember acquiring that skill
- multiple memory systems
patient HM
- neurons are the nerve cells in the brain and work as its functional units
- neuron sends electrical signals along the dendrites and axons by chemical means
- neurons communicate via synapses
- neurons are plastic
neuron theory

a major role of CSF is to:
cushion the brain and spinal cord from shock
meninges & CSF
anti inflammatory

broca’s aphasia
language production deficit
wernicke’s aphasia
language comprehension deficit
anti inflammatory
meninges & CSF
language production deficit
broca’s aphasia
language comprehension deficit
wernicke’s aphasia
problem with communitcation
Vaidya et al 2020 - Lesion studies in Contemporary Neuroscience
main idea and evidence
Lesion studies are essential for neurobehavioral research and should be used in collaboration with modern imaging techniques
- Compare/contrast imaging to lesion studies and their scopes
- Figure 2 (schematics of different lesion methodologies)
- Lesion studies can ID causal links vs association (imaging does this) and cited studies
- Box 2 - strengths of studies (if you can jump through these hoops its effective and here’s why)
problem with communitcation