Chapter 1 Flashcards
Authority Having Jurisdiction (AHJ)
An organization, office, or individual responsible for enforcing the requirements of a code or standard, or approving equipment, materials, an installation, or a procedure.
The use of a single organization to design and build a facility to minimize risks for the project owner. May also refer to a design-build firm.
Design Principles
Guidelines applied to basic units of a project that cause the items to work together as a unified, completely finished item that serves a purpose within established parameters. Units can include the materials, concepts, and settings.
Building Code
A set of rules developed by a standards organization and adopted as law by a governmental body to regulate the minimum requirements for construction, renovation, and maintenance of buildings.
Building Permit
Authorization issued from the appropriate authority having jurisdiction (AHJ) before any new construction, addition, renovation, alteration, or demolition of buildings or structures occurs.
Board of Appeals
Group of people, usually five to seven, with experience in fire prevention, building construction, and/or code enforcement, who are legally constituted to arbitrate differences of opinion between fire and building officials, property owners, occupants or builders.
Fast-Track Construction
Strategy to reduce the overall time for completion of a project by merging the design and construction phases. Often used in conjunction with design-build.
Preincident Survey
Assessment of a facility or location made before an emergency occurs, in order to prepare for an appropriate emergency response. Also known as Preplan.
Preincident Planning
Act of preparing to manage an incident at a particular location or a particular type of incident before an incident occurs. Also known as Prefire Inspection, Prefire Planning, Preincident Inspection, Preincident Survey, or Preplanning.
International Building Code (IBC)
Code that is dedicated to providing safety regulations for life safety, structural, and fire protection issues that occur throughout the life of a building.
International Code Council (ICC)
Organization that develops the International Building Code (IBC) and the International Fire Code (IFC), for city and state adoption. Was formed by the merger of the Building Officials and Code Administrators (BOCA) International, Inc., the International Conference of Building Officials (ICBO), and the Southern Building Code Congress International (SBCCI).
Incapable of supporting combustion under normal circumstances.
Fuel Load
The total quantity of combustible contents of a building, space, or fire area, including interior finish and trim, expressed in heat units of the equivalent weight in wood.
Heat Release Rate (HRR)
(1) Total amount of heat produced or released to the atmosphere from the convective-lift phase of a fire, per unit mass of fuel consumed per unit time. (2) Heat released when a material burns, expressed in kilowatts or British Thermal Units (btu).
Area of Refuge
(1) Space protected from fire in the normal means of egress either by an approved sprinkler system, separation from other spaces within the same building by smokeproof walls, or location in an adjacent building. (2) Area where persons who are unable to use stairs can temporarily wait for instructions or assistance during an emergency building evacuation.