Chapter 1 Flashcards
Fossilized microbial mats consisting of layers of filamentous and other microorganisms and trapped sediment
Still formed today in warm shallow oceans (Australia, Bahamas)
Modern ones are formed by Cyanobacteria
Organism that is dependent on an outside source of organic molecules for its energy
Animals, fungi, and many of the one celled organisms such as bacteria and protists
Cells that evolved and were able to make their own energy rich molecules out of inorganic materials
Without them earth would’ve came to an End
Most successful could use photosynthesis (Sun)
Oxygen utilizing process that enables organisms to break down molecules
Yields for more energy than can be extracted by any anaerobic (oxygenless) process
Simple cells that lack a nuclear envelope and did not have genetic material organize it’s a complex chromosomes, existed before the atmosphere accumulated oxygen
Firsts were heat loving archaea
Eukaryotic cells
Cells with nuclear envelopes, complex chromosomes, and organelles, such as mitochondria and chloroplasts surrounded by membranes
Appeared 2.1 billion years ago
Specialize epidermal cells with small openings between them. They can open and close in response to environmental and physiological signals, hoping the plant maintain a balance between his water loss and oxygen/carbon dioxide requirements
Plants with a life span of one year
Longer lived plants, Stem may become thickened and Woody and covered with court which retards water loss
Vascular system
Xylem- where water passes upward through the plant body
Phloem- Food manufactured in the leaves and other photosynthetic parts of plant is transported throughout plant body
Where all plant growth originates, embryonic tissue regions capable of leading sales in definitely to the plant body
Located at tips of all roots and shoots
Apical meristems
Involved with the extension of plant body known as primary growth
Lateral meristems
Secondary growth; the vascular cambium and cork cambium
Botany or Plant Biology
Study of prokaryotes, fungi, and algae
Study of content, organization, and function of genetic information in genomes
Economic botany
Study of past, present, and future uses of plants by people
Study of the uses of plants for medicine
Study of relationship between organisms and their environment
Study of the biology and evolution of fossil plants
To stimulate the growth of plants, to determine their place, to control weeds and crops, it’s a form hybrids between plants
Transgenic plants
Plants that Contain genes from entirely different species, can be made to exhibit you an extraordinary properties