Chapter 1 Flashcards
Properties of water?
Water is polar, water resists temperature changes, and water expands when it freezes.
**Polar molecule =
A molecule with an unequal distribution of charge.
**Polar molecules have?
A positive and a negative end.
**Polar molecules attract?
Other polar molecules and charged ions..
**What is adhesion?
Polar molecules attract other polar molecules as well as charged ions.
What happens when two water molecules come in close contact?
The negative oxygen end is attracted to the other water molecules positive hydrogen end.
**What is cohesion?
The attraction of opposite charges (the negative oxygen and the positive hydrogen end) forms a weak bond called a hydrogen bond and the property is referred to as cohesion.
**The combination of adhesion and cohesion result in?
The movement of water through plants by capillary action and surface tension - type of cohesion.
**Because of waters polarity -
It is the universal solvent.
**Why does water require more heat to increase it temperature than other liquids?
Because hydrogen bonds between each molecule, as you add water, must be broken to move around.
**What is high specific heat?
It takes more heat to break the bonds of a water molecule than most substances.
What happens when water cools?
It gives off a lot of heat.
High heat of fusion?
The characteristic of water giving off a lot of heat when it cools.
Because water takes longer to heat up and cool down, it is like an?
Insulator that helps maintain a steady environment when conditions fluctuate outside and within our own bodies/cells.
What happens when water begins to freeze?
More and more hydrogen bonds are formed and the water molecules come more spread apart.
What happens when ice forms?
It becomes less dense than the surrounding liquid water, therefore ice floats.
**What is a mixture?
A combination of substances which the individual components retain their own properties. E.g., sand and salt; salt and pepper.
**What is a solution?
A mixture in which one or more substances (solutea) are distributed evenly in another substance (solvent).
**What is one substance dissolved in another and will not settle out? E.g., salt water
Organisms can’t live unless?
The concentration of dissolved substances stays within a specific, narrow range.
When can chemical reactions occur?
When conditions are right.
**What is a very important condition of a chemical reaction?
pH of a solution.
**What does pH measure?
The percent of hydrogen in a substance, indicating how acidic or basic a solution is.
**What is the pH scale for acidic?
**What is the pH scale for basic?
**What is the pH scale for neutral?
**What is an acid?
A substance that forms hydrogen ions in water.
**What is a base?
A substance that forms hydroxide ions in water.
**What is it called with the number of H+ and OH- ions are equal?
The solution is neutral with a pH of 7.
What is a protein?
A large, complex polymer composed of carbon, hydrogen, oxygen, nitrogen and sometimes suffer which allows protein to bend.
What is a monomer?
A component of a protein, called amino acids composed of a central atom attached to a carbon group (-COOH), a hydrogen atom, an amino group, and a variable group-R.
How are amino acids linked together?
Peptide bonds.
How many amino acids are they for all proteins?
What determines the function of a protein?
The order of the amino acids determine its function.
What is the function of a protein?
Proteins catalyze metabolic reactions.
Many proteins are __________ which catalyze metabolic reactions in living organisms.
What does lactase do?
Lactase is an enzyme which digests lactose (milk sugar), some people lack this enzyme, and cannot digest lactose, which is found in dairy products.
What do proteins act as?
Chemical messengers.
What are peptide hormones?
They are chemical messengers composed of proteins that send chemical messages throughout the body.
What is insulin?
A peptide hormone that regulates blood sugar.
What do proteins make up?
Structural components found in living things. E.g., keratin is the key structural component of hair and nails; slogan and elastin are two proteins founding connective tissue (bones, muscle, skin)
What is a nucleic acid?
A complex biomolecule that stores cellular information in the form of a code.
What are monomers?
Components of a nucleic acid called nucleotides. Have C, H, O, N, P)
What makes up a nucleotide?
Sugar, phosphate molecule and 4 nitrogeneous bases.
What is our DNA?
Deoxyribonucleic acid - which contains our genetic code - how to make all our proteins.
What is the shape of our DNA?
Double helix.
What is RNA?
Ribonucleic acid - takes the code from the DNA and actually takes part in making our proteins.
What is the shape of our RNA?
Singe strand.
Two functions of nucleic acids?
Genetic information storage and protein synthesis.
What do nucleic acids do?
The store an organisms genetic information.
What does every organism on earth use to carry its genetic information?
How is genetic information passed on from parent to offspring?
What is it in an organism’s DNA that hold instruction to make proteins?
Proteins carry out?
Necessary life functions.
What is organic chemistry?
The branch of chemistry that deals with the structure, properties andreactinsof compounds that contain carbon.