Chapter 1-3 Mc Flashcards
Map is
A two dimensional or flat scale model of the earths surface or a portrait of it
Cartography is the
Science of mapmaking
Map are used as both a —– tool and a ——— tool
Reference tool and communications tool
Map scale is
The level of detail and the amount of area covered on a map
Ratio or fraction shows
The numerical ratio between distances on the map and the earth surface
Written scale is
The relationship between map and earth distances in words
Graphic scale
Usually shows a bar line marked to show distance on earths surface
Projection is
Scientific method of transferring locations on earths surface to a flat map
Robinson projection
Useful for displaying info across ocean, disadvantage land areas are smaller, 4 types of distortion ( globe turned flat )
Mercator porjection
Shape is distorted very little, direction is consistent, map is rectangular, distorted at poles (good for sailors)
What are the four types of distortion
Relative size
A meridian is
a circle of constant longitude passing through a given place on the earth’s surface and the terrestrial poles. ( arc drawn b/w north and south poles; going up)
Longitude is
A numbering system that the location of each meridian is identified on the earth surface (angular distance of a place east or west) expressed in degrees or minutes
Prime meridian is
The meridian that passes through the royal observatory at Greenwich England ( 0 degree longitude )
A parallel is
a circle drawn around the globe parallel to the equator and at right angles to meridian
Latitude is
The numbering system to indicate a location of a parallel
One hour of time is equivalent to
Fifteen degrees longitude
Greenwich mean time or universal time is
The time at the prime meridian 0 longitude and is the reference time for all points on earth
International date line is
It follows180 degrees longitude
move clock backwards 24 hour if your are heading
Eastward toward America
If you are heading westward toward Asia you move the clock
24 hours ahead
Global Positioning System gps
A sytem that accurately determines the precise position of something on the earth
Geographic information system gis
Computer system that captures and stores data, quarries, analyzes and displays geographic data
What is place
A specified point on earth distinguished by a particular characteristic
Sense of place is
A feeling for the features that contribute to the distinctiveness of a particular spot on earth
Location is
The position that something occupies on earth surface
Toponym is
A name given to a place on earth
Site is
The physical characteristics of a place
Ex: climate soil vegetation elevation topography
A region is
A area of earth defined by one ore more distinctive characteristics
Culture landscape is
A combination of culture features such as language religion economic features and physical features
Culture landscape approach or regional studies approach is
An area fashioned from nature by a culture group
A formal region (uniform region) is
An area within which everyone shares in common one or more distinct characteristics (language)
Functional region (nodal region)
an area organized around a node or a focal point (tv reception area from tv station)
A vernacular region (perceptual region)
An area that people believe exist as a part o their culture identity
Mental map is
Internal representation of a portions of earths surface (personal impressions)
Culture is
The body of customary beliefs material traits and social forms that together constitute the distance tradition of a group of people
Geography is
The study of where things are found on the earths surface and the reasons for their location
Scale is
The relationship b/w the portion of the earth being studied and the earth as a whole
Globalization is
A force or process that involves entire world and results in making something world wide in scope
Housing bubble
Rapid increase in the value of houses by sharp decline in their value
Space refers
To the physical gap or interval b/w two objects
Distribution is
The arrangement of a feature in space
Density is
The frequency w/ which something occurs in space
involves number of feature and land area
Concentration is
The extent of a features spread over space
Pattern is the
Geometric arrangement of objects in space
Behavioral geography is
Branch of human geography that emphasizes the importance of understanding the psychological basics for human action
Humanistic geography
Emphasizes the different ways individuals perceive their surroundings
Poststructuralist geography is
Emphasizes the need to understand multiple perspectives regarding space
Connection is
The relationship among people and the objects across the barrier of space
Hearth is
A place from which an innovation originates
Diffusion is
The process by which a characteristic spreads across space from one place to another over time
Relocation diffusion is
The spread of an idea through physical movement of people from one place o another
Expansion diffusion is
The spread of a feature from on place to another in an additive process
Hierarchical diffusion
Contagious diffusion
Stimulus diffusion
Hierarchical diffusion is
The spread of an idea from person or nodes of authority or power to other persons places
Contagious diffusion is
The rapid, wide spread diffusion of characteristics throughout the population
Stimulus diffusion is
The spread of an underlying principle even though a characteristic itself apparently fails to diffuse
Distance decay
Is the phenomenon that contact diminishes w/ increasing distance and eventually disappears
Space time comparison
Describes the reduction in the time it takes for something to reach another place
Is a chain of communication that connects places
Digital subscribes line
Cable line or other service
Uneven development
Increasing gap in economic conditions b/w regions in the core and periphery that results from globalization of the economy
Stuff that is in the environment that is useful to people
Substance is
Merely part of nature until a society has use for it
Renewable resources
Produced in nature more rapidly then it is consumed by humans
Non renewable resources
Produce in nature more slowly then consumed by humans
Sustainability is the
Use of earth resources so that there is some available in the future
Is the sustainable use and management of resources
Preservation is
The maintenance of resources
Biologically productive land is
Amount of land required to produce the resources currently consumed
Cultural ecology
Study of human environmental relationships
Environmental determination
Belief that physical environment caused social development
Physical environment may limit some human actions
Polder is
A piece of land that is created by draining water from the area
Demography is
Scientific study of population characteristics
Amount of people that are counted for population
Portion of earths surface occupied by permanent human settlement
Number of people occupying an area o land
Arable land
Land suited for agriculture
Arithmetic density
Total number of objects in an area
People/ land area
Physiological density
The number of people supported by a unit of arable land
Agricultural density
Is the ratio of the number of farmers to amount of arable land
Crude birth rate
Total number of love births in a year for every 1000 people alive in society
Crude death rate
Total number of deaths in a year for every 1000 people alive in society
Natural increase rate
The percentage by which a population grows in a year
Doubling time
The number of years needed to double a population
Total fertility rate
The average number of children a women will have throughout her child bearing years (15-45)
SS AFRICA 5.0 high
Most European below 2.0 or equal to
Developed country have
Lower rates of natural increase, crude birth rate and total fertility (developing has the opposite)
Dependency ratio
Is the number of people who are too young or too old to work compared to the number of people in productive years
Sex ratio
Number of males per 100 females in a population
Developed countries have more females than males
True or false
Demographic transition
Process of change in a society’s populations fertility rate, mortality rate and natural increase rate in a country over time
Stage 1 of demographic transition
Low growth
Very high birth and death rates
No long term natural increase
Early human history
Stage 2 demographic transition
High growth
Rapidly declining death rate
Very high birth rates
Very high natural increase rate
Europe and American enters stage 2 in the 1750 cause of the
Industrial revolution
Transition between 2 and 3 occurs when
Crude death rate drops sharply
Stage 3 of demographic transition
Decreasing growth
Birth rate rapidly declines
Death rate keep dropping rapidly
Natural increase rates begin to moderate
Because people don’t have babies
Stage 4 of demographic transition
Low growth
Very low birth rate and death rates
Produce virtually no long term natural increase and a possibly decrease
Cbr equal CDr and NIR is zero
Malthus predictions state that
Population increase outnumbering food supply
Stage 5 demographic transition
Low cbr
Increasing CDr
Negative NIR
Epidemiological transition
Health threats in each stage of demographic transition
Branch of medical science that aid control of disease
What happens in diseases in each stage
Stage 1 famine Stage 2 receding pandemic Stage 3 human created disease Stage 4 delayed degenerative disease Stage 5 returning of disease
Infant mortality rate
Annual number of deaths of infants under one year of age compared to total live births
Migration from a location
Migration to a location
Net migration
Difference between number of immigrants and number of emigrants
specific type of relocation to a new location
All types of movement from one place to another
Short term repetitive movements that re occur
Most people migrate to look for
Economical freedom
Cultural freedom
Environmental comfort
Migration transition
Change in migration pattern in a society that results from social economic change
People around the world usually migrate from rural areas to
Rural to urban
Us immigration in 17 and 18 cent
Britain and Irish
Us immigration mid 19 early 20 cent
Mass European migration
Late 20th and 21 cent
Asian and Latin America
Forward capital
Symbolically move of capital
Population center
Average population of everyone in country
Us migrated interregional in what direction
Toward the west
Developed countries migrate from Urban to
Urban to suburban
Counter Urbanization
Net migration from urban areas to rural areas
Rocky Mountain states are
Colorado Idaho Utah Wyoming
In 1890 most immigrants came form to the us
east and west Europe
Sun belt includes which states
Texas California Florida
Stretches across southeast to south west
Rust belt is what states regions
Great Lakes
Mid west
Push factor
Induces people to move out of their present location
Pull factor
Indices people to move into a new location
3 major kinds of push pull factors
Economic political and environmental
Forced migrant form another country to avoid political conflict or other disasters and cannot return because of being persecuted
Internationally displaced person
Forced migrant l for similar reasons as refugee but has not migrated across the border yet
Asylum seeker
Someone who’s has migrated I another country in hope of being recognized as a refugee
Guest worker
Immigrant from poor country going temporarily to obtain jobs in other country
Intervening obstacle
Environmental or political feature that hinders migration
Passport mountains wars extra
Brain drain
Large scale emigration by talented people
Chain migration
Migration of people to a specific location because relatives or members of the same nationality previously migrated there
Unauthorized immigration
Those who immigrate illegally who dont have document
Isolines map
Shows changes in elevation
Proportional symbols map
Indicate relative magnitude of some value
Dot maps
Used points to show location of specific observation
Choropleth map
Use colors or tonal shading to represent category
Cartogram map
Transform size to reflect magnitude of value