Chapter 1 Flashcards
A statesman who ruled in Athens; helped its economy thrive and was first to implement democracy
A city-state, where democracy was first implemented
Form of government in which the people held power
Plato - “philosopher kings”
Believed that Republic is an ideal form of government and that all people are born equal
Aristotle - rule of law
Believed that everyone should be under the law
Judeo-Christian tradition
Believed that all people are equal
Belief In one god
Magna Carta
Document saying that the monarch also had to obey the law
Roman Law
The first civilization to have written down laws
Absolute Monarch
Government where monarch has complete control of government
Limited Monarchy
Government where monarch has limited power
Habeas Corpus
Principle where a person cannot be sent to jail without being charged with a crime
English Bill of Rights
Bill that included the Magna Carta, the Monarch had consent with parliament before taking action and other rights