chapter 1 Flashcards
the process by which businesses or other organizations develop international influence or start operating on an international scale.
Physical Geography
The study of material characteristics of physical environment
Human Geography
How people make places, how we organize space and society, how we make sense of others in place and across space, and how we make sense of others ourselves in our localities, regions and the world
five themes of geography
Location, human-environment interactions, region, place, and movement
Location: Highlight how the geographical features postion of people and things on earth surface affects what happens and why
HEI: What did the arm corps alter floridas physical enviroment?
REgion: Instead features tend to be conentrated in patricular areas.
Place: All places on earth have unique human characteristics
Movement: Refers to the mobility of people, goods, and ideas
Referene maps
Show location of places and geographic features
Theamatic map
Tell stories, typically showing the degree of some attribute or the movement of a geographic phenomena
Mental Maps
What you remember based on something u hear
Generalized maps
Helps us see general trends but we cannot see all cases of a given phenomena
Cultural Hearth
AN area where cultural traits develop and from which cultural traits diffuse
Expansion Diffusion
An idea spreads outwards from a hearth while staying strong there
Hierarchical diffusion
when an idea spreads by passing first among the most connected individuals, then spreading to other individuals.
Stimulus Diffusion
When the idea spreads outwards from a hearth but the idea is changed
Relocation Diffusion
Involves the actual movement of individuals who have already adopted the idea or innovation and who carries it to different areas where they proceed to spread it.
The choice that which society makes relys on its memebers needs and what technolgy is avaible to them
Cultural Ecology
the study of human adaptations to social and physical environments
Political Ecology
examines how and why economic structures and power relations drive environmental change in an increasingly interconnected world