Going out into fields and observing and stuff
a poor country, malnourished
Human geography
focusing on how people make places and shape their land
Increasing connects of culture, economical, political,
Physical Geography
study of spatial and material characteristics of physical enviroment
Medical Geography
Getting information about the field of medicine through the geography
What did Dr John Snow do?
He mapped the cases of Cholera, a disease that causes diarrhea and found that it was a water transmitted disease
FIve themes of human geography?
Location, human environmental interaction, region, place, and movement
Location (theme)
Highlights how the geographical position of people and things on Earth’s surface affects what happens and why
Location Theory
a logical explanation for the location patterns of economic activites
Human- environmental interaction (theme)
How humans interact with the environment
Region (theme)
Distinct features that are concentrated in different areas
Place (theme)
Everywhere there is a distinct trait
Sense of trait
Infusing a place with emotion and meaning
because of this we can have a feeling of home
Perception of places
A place we have never been to yet we have a general understanding because of the books, movies and stuff that we watch.
Movement (theme)
the mobility of people, goods and ideas
Refers to the material characteristics of a place
Cultural landscape
the visible human imprint on the landscape. Most geographers are concerned about this
Sequent occupance
The group that continues to arrive to a place and bring their tech and stuff
art and science of making maps
Reference maps
Show locations and geographic features.
Show the absolute location of places
Thematic maps
Displays spatial patterns of places and uses quantitative data
Global positioning system, more of a tells you where to go
gives absolute location
relative location
describes the location of the place in relation to other human and physical features
“chicago is on lake michigan south of Milwaukee.”
absolute location
the empire state building is located at 40.1 blah blah blah
Mental maps
Maps in our head, can be places we been or places we heard of
Activity spaces
places we have been
Terra incognita
Driving pass a school u never been to know the location but dont know the details
Generalized maps
see general trends
Geographic information systems gives data about a place doesnt rilly give absolute locaiton however it shows trends
What are the sccales
local regional national global
we see different patterns at each scale
Formal Region
has a shared trait, either physical or cultural. a predominate trait
In a formal region people share one or more cultural traits.
specific attributes
rocky mountains
Functional region
also known as nodal regions
organzied around a node (or center point)
Perceptual Region
Things that they think based on their accumlated knowledge
Cultural trait
a single attribute of a culture
Culture complex
a distinct combination of cultural traits
cultural hearth
a place wgere a cultural trait develops and from which cultural traits diffuse
Time distance decay
the farther away something is the less communication
Expansion Diffusion
An innovation or idea develops in a hearth and remains strong there while spreading outwards
hierarchical diffusion
Diffuses from the ppl with most connections
Contagious diffsuion
Spreads from person to person
Stimulus diffusion
when an idea diffuses outwards but tweaked
Relocaition diffsuion
People spreading the idea based on where they move
Environmental Determinism
Human behavior is strongly affected even controlled by the physical environment
humans can adapt with tech
Politcal ecology
the politics ruining enviroment
The study of population in general perspective
Population density
Total population relative to land size
Arithmetic Population Density
total number of people divided by total area of place
Overpopulated improving infrastructure
Physiological population density figure
people per unit of arable land
Arith vs Phsy
this can reveal the arable land ratio to all land
Population distributions
the arrangement of people on the earth’s surface
Dot maps
each dot represents a certain amoung of people
where do people normally cluster?
Near bodies of water.
Huge urban agglomerations.
New york, Los angeles e
Counting the population and people of a country
count of population
what did Paul Ehrilich say
Population bomb- the worlds population was increasing too fast and was outpacing food production
What did Thomas Malthus say
He published an essay on the principles of population. In this he said the world was producing faster tham the supplies needed to sustain. He stated that food supplies grow linearly while population grew exponentianlly
Esther Boserup was a prominent critic of mathus who advocated the cornucopian theory
Neo-Malthusians focus on what
Neo malthus say that over-population is a real problem and must be addressed now.
Natural increase
Total births - deaths
when do demographers believe our population will stablize
between 2050-2100 and around 10 billion people
Total Fertility Levels - replacement level is atleast 2.1 TFR
The TFR reports the average number of children born to a woman of childnbearing age
what happens in predomintly woman suprssed coutnries
Old-Age dependency ratio
Reports the relationship between the number of people over the age of 65 and the working age population between 15-64
Child dependency ratio
Opposite of old age
What are some ways to keep TFR down
Forced sterilziation- what was done in india
Laws- China
Fines- China
Medical stuff like abortion and contraceptives
Crude Birth rate - the number of live births per year per thousand people in population
Crude Death Rate - the number of deaths per year per thousand people
Industiral revolution what happened
- lower death rates
- population explosion
because of the better medical and tech
Demographic transition
A shift of high birth and death rates to low birth and death
The model of the demographic cycle
Stage 1: Low growth
Stage 2: Increasing growth
Stage 3: Population explosion
Stage 4: Decresing growth
Stage 5: Declining population
Stationary Population Growth
A point where countries will stop growing
Population Pyramids
Show us the age and perecent of population
Infant Mortality Rate - death of babys in the first year following its birth normally given as per 1 thousand
Child Mortality Rate- records the death of children between age 1-5 and this remains rilly high in africa and asia
Category of Disease
Infectious (Disease)
Resulting from an invasion of parasites and their multiplication in the body
the maladies of longevity and old age
Heart disease
Tracing back to acnestry in our DNA
Small area
Large region
Vectored disease
someone who transfers through an intermediary
host and victim contact
Expansive Population Policies
Encourages familes to raise babies increase natural rates
China under mao zedong and soviet union
Eugenic population Policies
Desgined to favor one race or culture over the other
Nazi Germany
REstrictive population policies
reducing increase by toleration of unapproved birth control or a prohibition of large familes
Chinas one child policy
Money that is sent home
reverse remmitance
Mexico to the US
moving out
moving in
Cyclic movement
Involves shorter regular trips away from home for defined amounts of time
Periodic movement
involves movement for a longer period away from home undertaken from time to time
Migrant labor
Permanent move
the journey from home to work is also cylic
a system of pastoral farming in which ranchers move livestock according to the seasonal availability.
Internal migration
movement across a countries borders
International migration
movement across countries borders
Forced Migration
involves the impostion of authroity or power, producing involunatry movement that cannot be understood based on theories of choice
Volunary migration
occurs after a migrant weighs options and choices
Ernst Ravenstien proposed laws of migration
- Every migrant flow generates a return or counter migration
- the majority of migrants move a short distance
- migrants who move longer distances tend to choose biig-city destinations
- Urban residents are less migratory than inhabitants of rural areas
- Familes are less likely to make interantional moves than young adults
- Migrants proceeds step by step
- Large cities/towns grow more by migration than by natural birth
Gravity Model
Predicts interactions between places on the basis of their population size and distance between them.
Increases as the size and importance of places become greater and decreases as the distance between them grow
Push factors and pull factors
Push: poverty
Pull: Job prospects
Step migration
moving step by step like form town to large city or smthign
Intervening Opportunities
Opportunities that stop people form making their entire route
being sent back home from a country
Kinship Links
types of push or pull factors
Chain migration
Where a family member migrates to family
Immgration waves
chains migration built upon each other
Physical process whereby colonzing entity takes over another place
Assimilate all the people in the soviet territory into the russian culture
A person who has a well founded fear of being persecuted for reason of race, religion, nationality, membership, of a particular social group, or political opinion
Internally displaces person
people who have been displaced within their own country such as victims of huriccan katrina but do not flee their country
Eligible when he meets official criteria. The right of protection in the first country in which the refugee arrvies
Retuning refugees to their homeland when violence is finished
where do refugees msotly go
North afria southwest asian and subsharan africa
Selective immgration
only individuals with certain backgrounds can come here
Distortions with 3 map to 2 D Mercator
little distorition with sizes at pole super distorted
good across oceans but landmass is smaller
Qualitive data
Information in word form often up for discussion
how good lunch is
Quantative data
number form objective
Time space compression
The reduction of time bc of tech