Chapter 1 Flashcards
Sports Nutrition
integration and application of scientifically based nutrition and exercise physiology principles that support and enhance training, performance and recovery.
three principles of sports nutrition
- stay hydrated
- provide fuel for muscles
- provide optimal recovery after training
long-term nutrition goals
-adequate energy intake
-adequate nutrient intake
-adequate hydration
-appropriate weight and body composition
short term nutrition goals
-consume the right foods and beverages to delay fatigue during training and competition
-minimize dehydration and hypohydration during exercise (no more than 2% body weight loss)
-nutrient intake to support recovery
-appropriate nutrient timing
foods and beverages you consume
eating pattern
diet overtime (USDA food plate, mediterranean, DASH)
nutrient density
grams of a nutrient relative to calories, high nutrient dense foods are higher grams of nutrients for fewer calories. (more bang for your buck)
energy density
kcal per gram/oz of weight of food (nuts, seeds)
examples of nutrient dense foods and bevs
-solid fats in food or added to it
-added sugars
-added refined starches
-added sodium
2020 dietary guidelines
-added sugars <10% of caloric intake
-added sat. fat <10% of caloric intake
-sodium <2300 mg per day
tool to educated public on dietary guidelines
developing food intake patterns
- determine kilocalorie needs
- set nutrient goals
- calculate nutrient profiles for each food group based on nutrient content and food consumption
- construct food patterns that meet goals
physical activity factors in determining kilocalorie needs
sedentary (ADL only) : no increase
low active (ADL+walking 2 miles/day) : 11-12% increase
active (ADL+moderate exercise 3-5 days/week) : 25-27% increase
very active (ADL+moderate to heavy training most days) : 45-48% increase