Chapter 1 Flashcards
The First Man and our father. Together with Eve, he committed the first sin (Original Sin). The Hebrew name refers to the particular individual or mankind in general.
Sacred Scripture; the books that contain the truth of God’s revelation, which were composed of human authors under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit. The bible contains 46 books in the Old Testament and 27 in the New.
The form taken by Satan in the Garden of Eden. The Hebrew word ‘nahash’ refers to a fearsome, murderous creature.
Making no mistakes or errors. Scripture is inerrant; it always teaches the truth, never falsehood.
Incapable of error. The Bible and the Church are infallible because of a special protection by God the Holy Spirit.
Guided by God; from a word meaning “breathed in.” The human writers of Scripture wrote in their own words but through God’s inspiration wrote what he intended them to write and nothing more.
The scientific theory that species came to be as they are by gradual process of change and development. Valid theories on the origin of life cannot contradict two facts: God created all matter, and the creation of human beings is a special act of the divine Creator
Original Holiness
The state of harmony that existed between our first parents and God before the Fall by which they participated in divine life.
A representation such as a statue or picture. Each human person is made in the image of God; that is, human beings are like God insofar as having intelligence, free will, and the capacity to love.
The name of the garden in which God placed Adam and Eve
Empirical Data
Information gathered from sensory observation and expirimentation
The form of the body, this is an individual spiritual substance created directly by God in his image and likeness. The unity of a body and soul form a human person. The soul is immortal–it does not perish when separated from the body at death–and it will be united with a glorified body at the final resurrection.
The form taken by Satan in the Garden of Eden. The Hebrew word nahash refers to a fearsome, murderous creature.
Beyond the limits of ordinary human experience or knowledge.
fosters the appetite to escape the dominion of reason. This is opposed to the cardinal virtue of temperance.
The the will to sin and weakness in the face of temptation. This is opposed to the cardinal virtue of justice.
Salvation History
The story of God’s plan to save man from the consequences of sin. This plan began with creation, is unfolding now, and will continue until the end of time at the Second Coming.
God’s bring forth the universe and all its inhabitants into being out of nothing. Creation is good, but has been corrupted by sin.
The books that contain the truth of God’s Revelation, which were composed by human authors under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit. The Bible contains forty-six books in the Old Testament and twenty-seven in the New.
Empty; without form; the state of the world before God gave it form and created beings to fill it.
The scientific theory that species came to be as they are by gradual process of change and development. Valid theories on the origin of life cannot contradict two facts: God created all matter, and the creation of human beings is a special act of the divine Creator
The first woman and our first mother. Eve was created from the rib of Adam, and thus woman, unlike the animals, is man’s equal and complement. With Adam, she committed the first sim (Original Sin).
Preternatural Gifts
The gifts bestowed on ourt first parents, which include exemption from concupiscence, sickness, death, and ignorance. These gifts are distinct from the supernatural gufts by which our first parents were adopted as children of God and became partakers of divine nature. Though both preternatural and supernatural gifts were lost because of Original Sin, supernatural gifts are bestowed in the Sacrament of Baptism.
Original Sin
Adam and Eve’s abuse of their human freedom by disobeying God’s command. As a consequence, they lost the grace of original holiness and justice and became subject to death; sin became universally present in the world. Every human person except Christ and the Blessed Virgin Mary has been born with the stain of Original Sin. This separates mankind from God, darkens the intellect, weakens the will, and introduced into human nature an inclination towards sin.
The form of the body, this is an individual spiritual substance created directly by God in his image and likeness. The unity of a body and soul form a human person. The soul is immortal - it does not perish when seperated from the body at death - and it will be united with a glorified body at the final resurrection.
Incapable of error. The Bible and the Church are infallible because of a special protection by God and the Holy Spirit.
Original Justice
The supernatural and preternatural gifts enjoyed by our first parents before the Fall; these include sanctifying grace and exemption from sin, suffering, death, and concupiscence.
Creator of the earth. Created mankind and the livings.
Making no mistakes or errors. Scripture is inerrant; it always teaches truth, never falsehood.
Original Holiness
The state of harmony that existed between our first parents and God before the Fall by which they participated in divine life.
Original Sin
Adam and Eve’s abuse of their human freedom by disobeying God’s command. As a consequence, they lost the grace of original holiness and justice and became subject to death; sin became universally present in the world. Every human person except Christ and the Blessed Virgin Mary has been born with the stain of Original Sin. This sin separates mankind from God, darkens the intellect, weakens the will, and introduced into human nature an inclination toward sin.
Empty; without form; the state of the world before God gave it form and created beings to fill it.
The scientific theory that species came to be as they are by a gradual process of change and development. Valid theories on the origin of life cannot contradict two facts; God created all matter, and the creation of human beings is a special act of the divine Creator.