Chapert 1: What Is Supervision? Flashcards
________ is most likely proposing an explanation for something in terms of propositions or suggestions of fact?
The theorist
The ____ _______ most common complaint with the theorist, however, is that he sometimes fails to relate his neatly constructed postulates to the everyday world of work with its attendant everyday crisis
Practical supervisor
What do working supervisors have going for them that many theorist may “heed far to little” ?
Common sense
Common sense also entails the practical application for good judgment, ______, and an aptitude for calm and logical reasoning
Common sense might be what the bright if “______” individual with no formal training whatever might apply when faced with a new situation or problem
With common sense and training in practical skills and a ___ __ ______, the contemporary supervisor can do his best as a leader.
Bit of theory
“Do as I say, not as I do”
Ineffective supervisor
As a _____ himself, he will have to develop his own abilities to attract and hold the attention of his students while he endeavors to impart his subject matter
The supervisor will be a ______. … Who’s duties will range from relatively uncomplicated daily decisions making to special projects and complex assignments for his boss.
In the supervisor’s role as a ______, his efforts will be addressed more to change behavior and improve performance than to outright punishment
The responsibility to discipline fairly and ____ will sometimes be an uncomfortable burden for the leader to bear.
As a supervisor he will be a sympathetic ear for troubled employees who will be regarded as a _____, confidant, and nonjudgmental listener
A supervisor will not be their ____, he will try to help them find one
______ will not prevent a supervisor from challenging improper or dangerous conduct.
As a ________, the supervisor will gain understanding of just how the exchange of thoughts, ideas, and information occur
The supervisor will be an_______ and complaint processor for diverse persons, groups, and interests
The supervisor will be a ______ ________. He will rate and
grade the actions and work products of his subordinates, just as his own efforts are rated by others in turn.
performance evaluator
As an ______, the supervisor will be impartial, thorough, and
accurate. He will report facts, not assumptions. He will communicate clearly his performance review findings to both the employee being evaluated and his own reviewing superiors.
The supervisor will help fulfill his managerial responsibilities by
______ ________to handle his own superior’s job.
grooming himself
This mythical average policeman may see him-self as part of a ______ an idea almost dead in those who work for pay in modern times.
These same officers may confess a real desire to help out in what they see as a struggle to overcome ______ against those least prepared to defend themselves.
What can make a police officer easier to supervise?
being apart of a cause.
The ____ supervisor will use this high interest in the job in successfully motivating his employees.
What are is a pitfall that a supervisor may discover when supervising police officers?
He may find that the police officer who feels so strongly may be terribly unhappy if caught in a menial law enforcement job which he does not feel ________ _________ to that cause.
contributes significantly
The police officer who feels too strong a zeal for justice and right
may also pose a special problem for the police leader. Again, it is a problem less likely to be found in other fields of work. The officer who decides to mete out illegal “_____ ______” because he has given up on getting justice from the courts provides a huge problem for the supervisor, his agency, and the public at large. Such an officer might be able to convince himself that since no court will ever really punish the brute who broke his own child’s arms, the officer must ensure the delivery of that “justice” by breaking a bone or two belong-ing to the arrested offender.
“Curbside justice”
What is a belief amongst American police officers?
Their often expressed need to to feel that they are accomplishing something ______ for their considerable efforts
Official concern for his subordinates’ personal behavior, off duty
as well as on the job, clearly sets the law enforcement supervisor apart from his peers in many other fields. [because] he truly lives in a proverbial _____ ____.
glass house
The public expects a very high standard of moral and _____ conduct from those who would enforce these same laws on others.
It is also up to him to at all times serve as a positive role model for ______ and moral behavior, on duty and off.
Again, unlike his cohorts in other lines of work, the police leader will have to help furnish ______ ______ for the officer who gets few thanks from a public that may understand very little about his job
mental rewards
What has come to be called the “______ _______” also may pose
a problem for the police sergeant that is virtually unknown to super-visory peers in other lines of work
police personality
Police officers of several years are often seen as _____.
Supervisors of air traffic controllers, ___________, and high-readiness military units can attest to the very real nature of these problems. They can quite readily compare stress notes with the police leader.
critical care medical personnel
A supervisor should spend _______ in the field.
as much time as possible
The investigations supervisor assists his detectives on major crime
scenes, aids them in examining the site for useful evidence, assists them in the location and identification of victims and witnesses in major cases, and supports his team by helping them secure whatever ________ they need to do their jobs well.
The police supervisor also may perform his leadership duties in
the role of a specialist. He may supervise officers in carrying out evidence processing, _____, or other supportive activities.
The question, What is supervision?
A ________ answer to the question requires that the questioner examine the functions of leadership in all their various facets. Then, to really understand the particular and peculiar aspects of police supervision as opposed to supervision in general, he must know still more. He must take a look at the frequently unique challenges of the law enforcement supervisor’s existence.
If he is to supervise effectively, a police leader will have to serve as a trainer, _____, disciplinarian, counselor, listener, confidant, communicator, performance evaluator, and a number of other things.
He will be a manager, too, and move ideas and information up and down the _________.
chain of command
Effective supervision requires common sense and _______.
practical skills
First and above all else, the supervisor is expected to ____.
The _______ supervisor is the single, most important figure in the work lives of front-line employees.
The effective supervisor’s approach to his job varies from that of the _______ employee.
The supervisor’s most important role is that of a ______ role model.
Many of the challenges a police supervisor faces are _______ to the law enforcement profession.
not unique
The supervisor is _____ to the success of the organization and its people.