Chape 17 - Fun-Guy!!! Flashcards
T or F - Fungi is its own kingdom
What are the characteristics of fungi:
- They lack chlorophyll (not photosynthestic)
- Fungal walls contain chitin
- Fungi are not truly multicellular
- Fungi are heterotrophic (get energy from others)
- Saprophytes (can live off dead things) /decomposers
Plant cell walls have _____, while fungal cell walls contain _____.
cellulose / chitin
Mold is dimorphic (two different appearances). It can grow as long tangled _______ or in visible ______________.
filaments or colonies
When enough chains are formed we can view them with the naked eye.
Are Yeasts unicellular or multicellular?
Molds consist of masses of intertwined tubular filaments called _____.
hyphae (singular = hypha)
Name the two phases of fungal life cycles:
- Growth phase
2. Reproductive phase
_____ is a thick mass of hyphae and is usually large enough to be seen with the naked eye and has soft cottony texture.
Mycelium (pl., mycelia)
_____ is a carbohydrate polymer of acetylglucosamine units (glucose molecules containing amino and acetyle groups). This serves as the cell wall of fungi.
T or F - Yeast also consist of hyphae
False, most fungi except yeasts
Hyphae without septa are considered ________, meaning they contain many nuclei in a common cytoplasm.
coencytic = many nuclei in same cell; no division/no septa
co existing nuclei en the cell….
What divides the cytoplasm into separate compartments?
Septa (singluar = septum) ; Cross wall
The hypha structure can be either _____ hyphae or ____ hyphae.
Septate / Nonseptate; used to identify and categorize them (yeast - unicellular therefore no hyphae or a mold - septate and non septae hyphae)
______ feed on dead or decaying organic matter.
_____ recycle vast quantities of organic material
Fungal growth is influenced by several factors. Name three.
- Moisture (water source)
- Adequate chemical nutrients including oxygen
- Physical factors (temperature and pH)
How to fungi take up nutrients?
Absorption (just like bacteria, across the cell surface).
T or F - Most fungi are anaerobic and grow best at body temperature and prefer a pH of 8.
False - they are aerobic and grow best at room temperature and prefer a pH of 5&6.
the mycelium formed by a mold represents the ____ ____ for those fungi. It forms a large surface area for nutrient absorption.
Feeding Network
Psychrophilic fungi LOVE to grow where?
In the refrigerator.
Mycelium like to grow at __C (temp) and dimorphic fungi (ex Yeast) like to grow at __C (temp)
23C (room temperature) / 37C (Body Temp)
Psychrophilic like to grow at __C
5C (fridge temp)
“rhiza” mean what in latin
_____ are types of fungi live in symbiosis with plants, where the hyphae of these fungi invade or envelop the roots of plants, aiding in water absorption.
Mycorrhizae (rhiza = root)
_____ are types of fungi that live and grow entirely WITHIN plants, especially leaf tissues. Fungi benefit from sugar and plant benefits from water absorption.
Why do fungi and plants get along (“symbiotic”)?
The plants get sugar from the fungi the fungi get water from the plants.
At what pH level do many fungi thrive in?
pH 5-6 (slightly acidic)
Spore formation in Fungi is due to what?
Fungal reproduction may take place by ____ or ____ processes.
asexual / sexual
Sporulation is the process of spore formation in fungi. In what structure does sporulation occur?
Fruiting bodies
T or F: Each spore can give rise to a new hyphae.
Asexual spores protected in sacs called?
“Naked” or Unprotected dust-like asexual spores are called _________. Blow away easier.
Angios means what in Latin
Sometimes the hyphae will crack or fragment, releasing spores called ________.
arthro means what in Latin
Fungi can reproduce sexually. Opposing mates types (+) and (-) come together and fuse into a _____________, creating diploid offspring.
In budding, the cell becomes swollen on one edge and a new _______spore develops from the parent cell in yeast.
Blastospore…blasts off the swollen end
Many yeast reproduce _______ by ________
Asexually / Budding
The fungi that causes athlete’s foot multiply from fragmented hyphae, which yield ____.
Arthrospores are caused by fragmentation of the hyphae. What form of reproduction is this?
Asexual reproduction
Sporangiospores, Conidiophores, Arthrospores and Blastospores are all caused by what form of reproduction:
Asexual reproduction.
In this form of asexual reproduction, a blastospore develops from the parent cell.
This is a general name for a reproductive structure of a fungus from which spores are produced
Fruiting Body
T or F - Fungi can also reproduce sexually
In Sexual Reproduction, Opposite mating types come together and fuse into a ______.
Heterokaryon (hetero = different; karyo=nucleus)
A heterokaryon begins as two nuclei from two different mating types in a common cytoplasm. It fuses and becomes a ________ cell. After meisosis, becomes a _______ cell again.
Name the major groups of Fungi:
- Basidiomycetes
- Chytridiomycota
- Glomeromycota
- Ascomycetes (lichen is an ascomycete)
- Zygomycetes
This group of fungi are primarily aquatic and have flagellated reproductive cells. Earliest form of fungi. They damage frogs and other amphibians. They are “animal like” and produce zoospores.
These fungi form a giant endomycorrhizae that live in over 80% of plants’ roots. Fungi absorb water and plants provide sugar.
This group of fungi grow as mold on bread and produce.
They reproduce through sexual reproduction and are coenocytic (hyphae contain many nuclei). After opposite mating types fuse, a zygospore is birthed.
They also produce sporangiospores from sporangia asexually.
Zygomycetes (they make zygotes!!)
During zygomycete sexual reproduction, they form a heterokaryotic called ____ ____.
diploid zygospore
This group of fungi account for 75% of known fungi. They have septate hyphae. Can produce asexual conidia or sexual ascospores.
Ascomycetes (an ASS load of fungi)
They have septa…an asscrack in their hyphae
The mold that produces baker’s yeast (c. cerevisiae), edible morel mushroom (m. esculentum) and penicillin is a part of what fungal group?
Ascomycetes - Ascus means sac
ask the baker, the grocer or the pharmacist for a sac
_____ _____ is the organims responsible for oral thrush, diaper rash, and vaginitis.
Candida Albicans
Aflatoxin is can cause liver cancer and is found on wheat, corn, rye. It is produced by what fungal group?
What particular organism produces aflatoxin?
Aspergillus Flavus (A.Fla Toxin)
Ascomycetes produce ____ through asexual reproduction.
Conidia - “Naked” or Unprotected dust-like asexual spores. Blow away easier.
Ascomycetes produce ____ through sexual reproduction
Ascopores (how to remember sexual… got me some asc last night).
A mutualistic association between a fungus
and a photosynthetic organism. (Fungus+Algae is common one).
Lichens (I lichen me a light user)
Typically the fungus is an ascomycete
Where does one typically see lichens grow?
On rocks/after fires. The visible part is the fungi.
These grow underground but force their way up through the ground. Includes club fungi, mushrooms and puffballs
Basidiomycetes (CLUB fungi, BASS in basidio,
_____ (bumpy hyphae) on the gills of a mushroom cap contain sexually produced _____. (undergoes meiosis)
Basidia (bass is bumpin) / basidiospores.
Basidia hold up to 8 spores
The word “________” refers to a large variety of unicellular fungi as well as any single-celled stage of a fungus.
______ is a fungus that can ferment SUGARS. It is used extensively in industry and research and rich in B Vitamins.
This fungus is used in bread baking and alcohol production.
Give dought to _______, it will produce CO2 gas, causing bread to rise. Protein enzymes from it will digest some gluten, causing the spongy texture.
Give sugar to _________, it makes ethanol.
Yeast; yeast
This fungi, a yeast, is the most understood organism and has been used to study general principles of biology (a model organism). Give it sugar, it creates alcohol. Used to make beer.
S. Cerevisiae
Fungal toxins are called ______.
Mycotoxins (Myco=fungus; toxin=poison)
T or F - Some Fungi cause intoxications
Aspergillus flavus and A. parasiticus produce carcinogenic _____ which contaminate many agricultural products.
Aflatoxins are produced by what?
Aspergillus flavus and A. parasiticus
____ is caused by Claviceps purpurea, which grows on grains. It causes hallucinations. LSD is derived from this.
I ate grains, ERGO I hallucinated as if I were on LSD.
Ergot deposited in the grain can cause:
- numbness.
- hot and cold sensations
- seizures
- paralysis of nerve endings
___ ____ ____ is a derivative of an alkaloid in ergot.
Lysergic acid diethylamide (LSD)
Mushroom poisoning is also known as_______.
What do mushroom toxins mimic?
- Toxins mimic acetylcholine, affecting peripheral nervous system.
- Causes hallucinations and
- Produces condition resembling alcohol intoxication.
This mushroom causes about 90% of deaths from mushroom ingestion. “Death cap”
Amanita (Amanita phalloides)
Amanita poisoning causes what?
- Cramping, vomiting, and diarrhea
2. Leads to liver and kidney failure (usually within 1 week)
______ is an infection of the body surface.
Dermatophytosis (derma= skin/ top.. of skin)
How can tinea infections/ringworm be transmitted:
- Domestic animals.
2. Fomites like floors, mats or towels.
Tinea Infections/ringworm symptoms include? Treatment?
Symptoms include blister-like lesions with a thin fluid discharge.
To treat - change skin condition…pee on feet, tough actin tinactin, etc.
Candida albicans is a normal resident of the vagina. So why does it cause candidiasis and vulvovaginitis?
- The immune system is compromised or
2. Microbial populations in the body change due to antibiotic use.
_______, often called a “yeast infection,” involves:
• itching (pruritis), burning, reddening.
• swelling, discharge (cottage cheese like discharge).
True or False: Candida Albicans has pseudohyphae
T or F - Candidiasis often is a mild, superficial infection.
True; vulvo is near the surface…one way to remember. Also on the surface of the inside of the mouth and surface of fingernail.
Thrush is also referred to as?
Oral candidiasis
___ ___ involves white curd-like growth on the mucous membranes of the mouth.
Oral candidiasis (thrush)
_____ involves hardening, browning, and distortion of fingernails.
Oh no I nicked my nail
T or F - Sporotrichosis is an occupational hazard of gardeners and lumberjacks.
_____ can occur in people who work with:
• wood.
• wood products.
• soil.
Infection with sporotrichosis _______ can cause pus-filled lesions.
__ _____ is a basidiomycota that is found in urban soil and pigeon droppings. It it a serious fungal pathogens that can cause lower respiratory disease.
C. neoformans
_______ usually occurs in immunocompromised individuals and is considered the most dangerous fungal disease in humans. It affects the lungs and meninges. It is caused by Cryptococcus neoformans.
Cryptococcosis (if you get this you will be a tale from the crypt)
Histoplasmosis aka the “summer flu” enters through the lungs. Some people are asymptomatic, some see flu symptoms, while immunocompromised get lesions simiilar to those in TB. It is caused by what organism ____ _____.
Histoplasma capsulatum
inhaled histamine capitalizes on AIDS patients
Histoplasmosis if found in dry, dusty soil, chicken coops, and ____ ____.
Bat Caves
Pneumocystis pneumonia (PCP) It is caused by ___ ___.
Pneumocystis jiroveci.
This is a common infection in AIDS patients and is transmitted through respiratory droplets.
P. jiroveci has a complex life cycle in the ___. Sometimes it moves like an animal and sometimes it is in a spore state.
In aspergillosis, enter the body as ________and then grow as a mycelium.
What is the benefit of sexual reproduction?
Variation in gene pool allows them to survive and aapt.
Difference between meiosis and meitosis
Meiosis - cell division that results in with half the number of chromosomes of the parent cell, as in the production of gametes and plant spores. Genetic mixing takes place.
Mitosis a type of cell division that results in two of identical cells (like when our cells die and new ones are formed)
It’s all about the spore! This is the key to classification. If the spore is in a sac it is an? Bumpy hyphae? two spores join together sexually?
Ascomycete; basidiomycete; zygomycetes
What is the fruiting body of the basidiospore?
Mushroom cap. If you turn the cap over you see channels; zoomed in bumpy hyphae.
Blastomycosis causes skin and lung infections if its conidia are inhaled. It is caused by what organism?
Blastomyces dermatitidis
If inhaled, blastomycosis causes what symptoms/complications?
- Lung lesions, persistent cough, chest pains. (Feel like my chest was blasted)
- In AIDS patients, chronic pneumonia and possible dissemination to other organs
Coccidioidomycosis aka “Valley Fever” is caused by inhalation of arthrospores from what organism?
Coccidioides Immitis; found in soil/blows in the wind.
If a person has a bloody cough and has been diagnosed with aspergillosis, surgery may be necessary to remove an _________ of the lungs.
Disseminated Aspergillus can affect the heart or ______ causing a rare form of fungal _______.
brain; meningitis
Rhizopus causes which fungi?
Black Bread Mold