Chap1 What is Social Psych? Flashcards
Definition of Social Psych by Jean-Paul Sartre ?
We humans are first of all beings in a situation,we cannot be distinguished from our situations, for they form us and decide our possibilities.
Definition of social Psych?
Social psychology is a science that studies the influences of our situations, with special attention to how we view and affect one another. More precisely, it is the scientific study of how people think about, influence, and relate to one another
Difference between social and Personality Psych?
social psychology focuses less on differences among individuals (hardwire personality structure) and more on how individuals, in general, view and affect one another.
Difference between Sociology and Social Psych?
Compared with sociology (the study of people in groups and societies), social psychology focuses more on individuals, employing methods that more often use experimentation.
what is the fundamental principles of Social Psychology?
the fundamental principles of social psychology can be captured by a classic statement by one of its founders, Kurt Lewin, who said, “behaviour is a function of the person and the situation”
why people are interest to explain behaviors?
to make it seem orderly, predictable, and controllable.
what is the importance of intuition?
Our intuitions shape our fears (Is flying dangerous?), impressions (Can I trust them?), and relationships (Do they like me?). Intuitions influence leaders in times of crisis; gamblers at the table; eyewitnesses in front of a lineup of suspects; jurors in their assessments of guilt; and human resources professionals when assessing applicants. Such intuitions are commonplace.
what unveil intuitive capacities?
studies of automatic processing, implicit memory, heuristics, spontaneous trait inference, instant emotions, and nonverbal communication unveil our intuitive capacities.
what is dual processing?
Thinking, memory, and attitudes all operate on two levels—one conscious and deliberate, the other nonconscious and automatic—which today’s researchers call “dual processing.” Creates intuition!
Niccolo Machiavelli about people’s tendency for self-preservation?
Niccolò Machiavelli wrote almost 500 years ago in his famous work The Prince (1532) that people’s tendency toward uncritically believing what they are told, their instinct for self-preservation, and their desire to be part of a group could be used by a leader (or aspiring leader) to manipulate the populace to support them.
what is the importance of culture?
Your culture helps define your situation; your standards regarding promptness, frankness, and clothing vary with your culture.
what is Hazel Markus’s idea about importance of society?
Social psychologist Hazel Markus (2005) summed it up: “People are, above all, malleable.” Said differently, we adapt to our social context. Our behavior, then, is shaped by external forces.
Social thinking theme of Social reality?
Others help us to construct social reality (consciously or unconsciously/ power of Social institutions)/ we construct social reality.
- Our social intuitions are often powerful, sometimes perilous.
Social influences theme of Social Psych?
Ø Social influence shape behavior. Nathan Slone (online influencer). People are admitted to social norms.
Ø Dispositions (personality) shape behavior. Interaction of disposition with environment.
Social relation theme in social Psych?
Ø Social behaviour is also biological behavior. Our lack of social relations influence our behavior.
Ø Relating to others is a basic needs. Breaking Social norms effect people’s expectation and influence our behavior.
Ø Intimate partner bias: Need of having relations with other. Withdrawal from a abusive relationship is very difficult because of the fear of being alone. (social psychology).
how Personal attitudes and dispositions shape behavior?
Internal forces our inner attitude effect our behavior, We are not Passive! which leads us to believe strongly in those things for which we have committed ourselves or for which we have suffered.
How human biology effect social behavior?
Nature and nurture together form who we are. Biology and experience together create us.
- Nature also endows us with an enormous capacity to learn and to adapt to varied environments. We are sensitive and responsive to our social context.
-We carry the genes of those whose traits enabled them and their children to survive and reproduce.
what is the argument of Evolutionary psychologist about behavior?
our inherited human nature predisposes us to behave in ways that helped our ancestors survive and reproduce.
What is the concentration of Social Neuroscientists?
Their point is this: To understand social behavior, we must consider both under-the-skin (biological) and between-skins (social) influences. Mind and body are one grand system. Stress hormones affect how we feel and act. Social ostracism elevates blood pressure. Social support strengthens the disease-fighting immune system.
what is self-esteem according to Mark and Roy?
self-esteem is nothing more than a reading of how accepted we feel by others. In this view, relating to others is a basic need that shapes all of our social actions.