Chap1 intro to cognitive psych Flashcards
Define mind?
1.Cognition: The mind creates and controls mental functions such as perception, attention, memory, emotions, language, deciding, thinking, and reasoning.
2. Function and Operation: The mind is a system that creates representations of the world so that we can act within it to achieve out goals.
Cognitive Psychology?
The study of mind processes ( characteristics and properties) and how it operates.
how did Donter set her expereiment?
by measuring reaction time.
simple reaction time vs choice reaction time?
SIMPLE REACTION TIME: just doing one task in a set of time.
CHOICE REACTION TIME: making the choice in a set of time.
what was the findings of Donder’s experiement?
That choice RT took 1/10 Sec longer than simple RT.
who founded the school of structuralism and what it is?
Wilhelm Wundt founded the school of structuralism: all human experience is determined by combining basic elements of experience the structuralists called sensations. “ sensation involved in creating experience”.
analytic introspection?
trained participants described their experience and thought processes in response to stimuli.
Ebbhinghaus’s memory experiment?
how long it takes to forget information. (Saving curve)
- memorized random alphabets and test his memory.
Result: forgetting happened rapidly in the first 2 days and after that occurs slowly.
what was findings of Wilhelm James?
the observation of one things requires the withdrawing of attention of others.
- wrote the first psychology book.
who founded behaviorism and describe it?
John Watson
- observable behavior produces the only valid data for psychology.
What were the critiques of analytical introspection made by Watson?
- production of variable results from person to person
- difficulty of interpretation of the results due to being a a result of invisible inner mental processes.
classical conditioning?
pairing a neutral stimuli with a stimuli produces response to the neutral stimuli alone (little Albert’s expereiment).
skinner’s operant conditioning?
behavior can be reinforced by a positive reinforcer and eliminated by a withdrawal of a negative reinforcer.
Noam Chomsky vs B.F. Skinner?
- language is learned through reinforcement. (Skinner, Verbal Behavior)
- language is a product of brain’s construction rather than reinforcement. (Chomsky)
when cognitive revolution happen?
- interest in the mind died out with Behaviorism, but started to come back in the 1940s-1950s
Kohler’s ”Insight”
Tolman’s “Cognitive Maps”
Children’s language and development