Chap-3 Perception Flashcards
a experience resulting form stimulation of the sense
inverse projection problem
determining the object responsible for a particular image on the retina (start with retinal image and extension of the rays out of the eye.
- the image on the retina could be made by multiple objects and it’s based on the perception to what to make of the object. The image in retina (different object can produce the same image in retina and based on our top-down/ bottom-up processing we can decide what the object is).
viewpoint invariance?
people’s ability to recognize any object even when it is see from different viewpoint.
what are the two types of information used by human perceptual system?
- environmental energy stimulating the receptors.
- knowledge and expectation that the observer brings to the situation.
bottom-up processing?
- creation of image in retina
- generation of electrical signals and getting transmitted through the retina to the visual receiving area of the brain.
top-down processing?
processing that originates in the brain, at the top of the perceptual system. (environmental knowledge).
the multiple personalities of the bolb?
what we expect to see in different contexts influences our interpretation of the identity of the bolb.
what was the findings of Helmholtz about perception?
that the image formed in retina is ambiguous?
what is ambiguity concept in perception (Helmholtz)?
a particular pattern of stimulation in the retina can be caused by a large number of objects in the environment.
likelihood principle Helmholtz?
we perceive the object that is most likely to have caused the pattern of stimuli we have received.
unconscious inference?
our perceptions are based on unconscious assumptions, or inference, that we make about the environment, thus, we infer that it is likely.
how does the perceptual system decide that this patten on the retina was created by overlapping rectangles?
the likelihood principle by the process of unconscious inference.
apparent movement/ Phi Phenomenon?
perceiving an object as moving, while it is not.
name the three components of the apparent movement?
1- one light flashes on and off
2- there is a period of darkness, lasting a fraction of a second
3- the second light flashes on and off
what was the two conclusion that Wertheimer took from apparent movement? Phi Phenomenon
1- apparent movement can’t be explained by sensation because there is nothing in the dark space between the flashing lights.
2- the whole is different than the sim of its parts. (basic principles of Gestalt psychology.
The principle of good continuation?
points that when connected results in straight or smoothly curving lines are seen as belonging together, and the lines tend to be seen in such a way as to follow the smoothest path. Also, objects that are overlapping by other perceived as continuing behind the overlapping object.
The law of Pragnanz or Principle of good figure/ simplicity?
Every stimulus pattern is seen in such a way that the resulting structure is as simple as possible.
the principle of similarity?
similar things appear to be grouped together.
what is the Gestalt psychologist’s believe about perception?
that perception is determined by specific organizing principles that experience has a minor influence on it.
regularities in the environment?
the frequently occurring characteristics in environment has two types. Physical regularities and semantic regularities.
Physical regularities?
regularly occurring physical properties of the environment.
oblique effect?
coincidence ability to perceive horizontal and vertical more easily than other orientation
light from above assumption?
we perceive as light comes from above.
semantic regularities?
characteristics associated with the functions carried out in different types of scenes/ actions.
scene schema?
our visualization contain information based on our knowledge of different kinds of scenes.
Bayesian Inference?
our estimate of the probability of an outcome is determined by two factors.
1. prior probability.
2. likelihood of the outcome.
prior probability/ prior?
our initial belief about the probability of an outcome.
likelihood of the outcome Bayesian?
the extent to which the available evidence is consistent with he outcome.
what are the factors that can shape perception?
- evolution
- experience-dependent plasticity’s effect on response properties of neurons.
how many types of processing stream exist in the brain?
- perceiving objects.
- locating and taking action towards these objects.
name the physiological research methods to study how the functioning brain works?
- brain ablation: the study of the effect of removing parts of the brain in animals
- neuropsychology: the study of the behavior of people with brain damage.
brain ablation/ lesioning?
removing parts of the brain.
object discrimination problem?
task: remember the object’s shape and chose it when presented among other objects after some delay. (What pathway, temporal lobe)
landmark discrimination problem?
Task: remember the object’s location and chose it after some delay. (where pathway).
where is the what/ventral/perception pathway located?
from Striate cortex (primary visual cortex, occipital lobe) to temporal lobe
location of the where/dorsal/action/how pathway?
from striate cortex to parietal lobe.
mirror neurons?
neurons that respond to the experience done by someone else while the monkey was watching was the same when the monkey performed the same action.
mirror neuron system?
network of mirror neurons all over the brain.
what is the function of mirror neurons?
mirror neurons firing is based on the sequence of the actions that are most likely to follow the action/ depends on the knowledge about the situation.
size-weight illusion?
When presented by the two objects of the same weight but different sizes. we perceive the larger object to be heavier.
- perception and the actions associated with perception is guided by prediction.
Optic Chiasm?
the first point of the brain’s entry and connects the transfer the info to the both hemispheres.
blind site phenomenon?
if V1 visual system is damaged, can processed the existence of the object but can’t identify it.
What is the difference between Mackey late selection, Broadbent’s early selection and Triesman’s attenuation mode.
Mackey: even unattended (unheard) word can impact the perception. Broadbent: unattended information is completely blocked in the perception process. Triesman: attenuator analysis the information based on the meaning and then filter it through. (filtering is still in the early stage but only the meaningful will be passed through).
In what situation does parallel and hierarchical processing is used?
Combining from multiple neurons and inputs to determine the object from simple to complex (lower to higher areas of the brain) V1- V5. (hierarchical). Paralleled processing is processing the stimuli al at the same time. We always doing the both of the system.