Chap 97 Carotid Disease Flashcards
what are RF for stroke
Age >55 risk doubles Sex men >women Race blacks hispanice higher risk HTN lifetime risk if BP <120 is half Fam hx Afib Smoking DLP DM Diet Obesity Alcohol if heavy Renal insufficiency
What is risk of stroke after TIA?
What is risk of recurrence after stroke?
What is risk of death after stroke?
10% in 90d
2% at 7 days
4% at 30d
12% at 1 yr
29% at 5 yr
7% at 7d
14% at 30d
27% at 1 year
53% at 5 years
What are high risk features on duplex for plaque rupture?
hypoechoic, heterogeneous
What are non atherosclerotic causes of stroke?
Carotid kinking or coiling Carotid aneurysm Spontaneous/posttraumatic dissection FMD Radiation induced arteritis Giant cell arteritis Takayasu arteritis Cardioarterial embolization
What are symptoms of stroke from hypo perfusion?
bright light amaurosis
lightheadedness or presyncopy with any preceding focal deficits
also bilat UE weakness, cognitive difficulties, decreased visual acuity
what is wallenbergs syndrome?
intracranial vert artery lesion or PICA lesion
ipsi facial pain, numbness, sensory loss, ipsi clumsiness ipsi ptosis, meiosis contra loss of temp and sensation hoarsenss loss of balance BP lability
What is a hollenhorst plaque?
retinal infarct seen on fundoscopic exam suggest cholesterol emboli
What are the NNT for ICA stenosis of 70-99 for
2 weeks
4-12 weeks?
NNT 3 to prevent 1 stroke at 5 yr
NNT 6 to prevent 1 stroke in 5 year
NNT 9 to prevent one stroke in 5 year
What is sense and spec for US, CTA, MRA, contrast enhanced MRA for carotid lesions?
90, 85
75, 95
90, 85
95, 95
What is the gray-weale classification?
duplex plaque characterization Type 1 echolucent type 2 predominantly echolucent Type 3 predom echogenic Type 4 echogenic
What were the results of NASCET for >70%?
sympto patient >70% 2yr BMT 26% CEA 9% 5yr BMT28% CEA 13% significant
What are the results for NASCET 50-69%?
2yr BMT 15% CEA 9% 5yr BMT282% CEA 16% significant
What were the results for ECST 80-99?
sympto 80-99 (60-99 by NASCET criteria)
BMT 20% CEA 7%
What were the results for ACAS
asympto >60%
5 yr
BMT 11% CEA 5%
What were the results for ACST?
Asympto stenosis >60%
BMT 12% CEA 6%
What are caveats to CEA in asympto patients?
should have life expectancy of 3-5yr
women no benefit
likely no benefit if high co-morbid burden
What is the evidence for CTO?
MA no diff, 2.4 vs 3.7
What is the risk of contra CTO?
increase peri-op risk of stroke for CEA
What is the risk of protamine use in CEA?
decreased in postop bleeding, hematoma
no difference in stroke
What is the risk of dextran use in CEA?
not associated with stroke periop
CI with cardiac dz
What is difference of GA, local or block in stroke death or MI for CEA?
all the same
Describe incision for CEA.
parallel to SCM
posterior to earlobe
What are different shunts for CEa?
What is the difference?
pruitt less cerebral embolism but less physiologic flow
What were the results of Everest?
compared eversion to patch
no difference in restenosis 4 yr
What is the evidence for patch, no patch or eversion in CEA?
patch or eversion better then no patch
primary closure increase stroke and restenosis
What are the SVS recommendations for peri-op management of anti-plt for CAS?
plavix 3 days before and 1 month after
ASA indeffinitely
What are techniques to get surgical access to high ICA lesions.
division of digastric muscle
resection of styloid process
anterior subluxation of the mandible
verticle osteotomy
describe division of the digastric.
what are the relationships of the nerves to the muscle?
NT intubation
divide posterior belly of digastric
same course as hypoglossal but sits anterior so protect the nerve
spinal accessory nerve is in upper 1/3 of muscle
glosspahryngeal lies deep
describe resection of the styli process
After digastric divided, remove insertion of styloglossus, stylopharyngeus and stylohyoid
Identify occipital artery as it runs on inferior border of digastric and don’t injure
Resect process with rongeur
What is the difference b/w shunting and non-shunting?
What are different ways to protect the brain during CEA?
no diff in routine shunting and routine non-shunting
SSEP EEG TCD stump pressure none completely accurate
What are the criteria for stump pressures?
<50mmhg then 50% neuro rate if not shunted vs 10% if shunt
poor PPV
What re criteria for shunting with EEG?
50% decrease in fast background activity
increase in delta wave activity
complete loss of reg signal
overly sensitive
stroke rate 10% in patient with abnormal reg who did not have shunts