Chap 80 Takayasu Flashcards
What is Takayasu’s?
immune arteritis causing inflammation of aorta, its major branches, and pulmonary arteries.
What are proposed aetiologies of Takayasu?
genetic (HLA-Bw52) immune mediated (cell and antibody)
What is histology of TA?
panarteritis (3 layers) with skip area
excessive ground substance in intima
What are clinical features of TA?
claudication (UE>LE) diminished pulses MSK symptoms constitutional symptoms H/A CVI symptoms' HTN common
What are findings on duplex?
thickened wall
Describe the1994 Tokyo international conference angiographic classification for TA?
Type I aortic arch branches alone
type II ascending, arch, branches
Type III ascending, arch branches and descending
Describe the1994 Tokyo international conference angiographic classification for TA?
Type I aortic arch branches alone type II ascending, arch, branches Type III ascending, arch branches and descending Type IV abdominal aorta and branches Type V entire aorta
What are features of active disease?
fever, myalgias
elevated ESR
vascular ischemia (claudication)
typical angio features
What is medical treatment?
glucocorticoids first line treatment
methotrexate, cyclophosphamide, azathioprine
What is invasive treatment strategies?
dont operate on active disease
endo poor results
bypass good patency