Chap 9 Flashcards
What are the powerful question types?
- Strenghen
- Weaken
- Sufficient Assumption
- Counter
- Contradiction
- Evaluate
- Resolution
**Once you know the above every other category is provable.
Power Statement: (Weaken) Question stem keywords.
- Which one of the following, if true.
- Weaken.
- Most undermine the conclusion.
- Most Vulnerable.
- Counts as Evidence against.
- Calls into questions.
Weaken Questions. (What are you looking for?)
- The most powerful thing you can find to destroy the argument conclusion.
Weaken questions. (What is the Role of the Loophole)
- The correct ans to a to a weaken question is essentially the loophole. **You want the most powerful ans available that to the wakening exposed. by the loophole.
Weaken Question stem examples.
- Which one of the following most seriously weaken the argument above?
- Which one of the following, If true most tends to undermind the argument?
Back up plan Re Weaken arguments
- Does this less likly to make the conclusion to be true?
- If yes, choose it.
- If no cross it off.
- If your not sure, leave it for later
Weaken Strategy:
- You already have a Loophole.
- The Loophole zeroes in on the argument’s weakness.
- Go find Loophole actualized in the answer choice.
Weaken Game plan
- Weaken Questions ask you to attack the argument, putting your loophole into action. -
- When looking at the answer choices re weakening questions you have to find powerful language in your answer choices that mimic your loophole.
Strengthen Questions Keywords:
- Which of the following If true?
- Strengthen.
- Most helps to
- justify
- strengthen -
- support
What are you looking for Re Strenghing questions
- The most thing you can find to help the argument’s conclusion.
What is the role of the loophole Re Strengthening questions?
- The correct and to a strengthen question patches up the weakness exposed by the loophole.
- **One of the easiest ways to strengthen an argument is to cover up its weakness.
Question stem examples Re strengthen questions.
- Which one of the following, if true most helps to strengthen the argument?
- Which one of the following, if true, most strengthens the argument?
- Which one of the following principles, if valid, most strongly supports the reasoning above?
- Which one of the following principles of valid, most helps to justify the reasoning in the arguments.
What is the strategy Re strengthening questions?
-The loophole exposes the argument weakness come up with something the plugs the hole exposed by the loophole. -go find the helping hand in the answer choices.
What is the backup plan Re strengthening questions?
- Does this make the conclusion more likely to be true?
- If yes choose it -If no cross it off.
- if you’re not sure, leave it alone.
Strengthen Strategy:
- you already have a Loophole.
- The Loophole exposed the argument’s weakness. Come up with something that plugs the hole exposed by the Loophole.
- Go find that helping hand in the answer choices.
Sufficient (S.A) Question Stem Keywords:
- Which of the following if true/assumed. -Enable the conclusion to be properly drawn/ justify the conclusion. -The conclusion follows logically
What you’re looking for Re S.A
-The most powerful thing you can find to prove the conclusion 100% valid.
What is the role of the loophole Re S.A
the corrects ans to an SA question plugs the loophole on overdrive.
Questions stems Re S.A.
-The conclusion drawn above follows logically of which one of the following is assumed. -The argument’s conclusion can be properly drawn if which one of the following if assumed? -Which one of the following is an assumption that would allow the conclusion above to be properly drawn.
Strategy Re S.A
-You already have a Loophole - Go overboard filling the gap exposed by the Loophole until the conclusion is 100% proven. Build that ironclad bridge between the premises. -Go find that bridge in the answer.
Back up plan Re S.A
- If this is true, is the argument 100% completely?
- If yes, choose it.
- If no, cross off
- If you’re not sure, leave it for later.
S.A Game plan
- The correct answer will completely remedy the problem the loophole;e exposed;
- it will amply that remedy until it sends the argument firmly into valid territory. Loophole:
- What if the was something else?
- What if Xandu has some downside?
- What if there was an asteroid. Sufficient assumption:
* 1a: This the only possible thing it could be.
* 2a: Xandu is superior to all other candidates in every respect.
* 3a: There has never been an impact of any object from space in the history of the planet.
- What if there was an asteroid. Sufficient assumption:
What is the Biggest trap Re S.A:
- the biggest trap in SA is misidentified the Question stem.
- If you see the word “most” it is not an S.A question. SA question type for shades of gray and most are super grey. and “most” super Grey.
Counter Question Stem Keywords:
- Which one of the following, If true 2. counter 3. in response to