Chap 1: Flashcards
- after
- around
- as
- although
- because
- By
- between
- for
- if
- In
- in addition
- on
- of
- since
- that
- until
- which
- while
- who
Specifiers def:
Specifiers are those little words that glue bigger words to explanation.
- sold facts.
- Premise is the building blocks that allow us to make interesting claims about the world.
- Premises are the infrastructure of Arguments.
- Premises do all the heavy lifting.
Comma Tricks
P. 11 (This is to understand what the sentence means complex)
Core elements:
is apart of the sentence that cannot be removed without destroying all grammatical sense of the reasons.
-It has the sentence main noun and verb in it.
Optional element:
It is a piece of the sentence that can be removed without any bad grammatical consequencece. It’s specifying things that happen in the core of the sentence or (unfortunately) in other optional elements.
Middle out:
When you have two or more commas in a sentence use middle out.
**All you have to do is see if the middle piece can be a complete sentence by itself.
**This is just to clarify our understanding of complex sentences.
What is a Sentence?
A Sentence is a complete thought. Or a it represents at least one complete thought.