Chap 5 Lesson 3 Flashcards
Where did the settlers move from and where did they move to?
From the English colonies to the back country.
What was the Native American trail known as?
Great Wagon Road
As more Europeans arrived their settlements spread onto what?
Native American lands
What happened when the settlers began to settle on Native American lands?
War broke out between the Native Americans and the settlers.
What happened to some of the Native Americans during the war?
They were captured, died from fighting or diseases.
At first the colonies depended on what to do their work?
Indentured servants
What became more popular once it was legalized?
Most enslaved Africans worked on what?
The slaves were often
beaten and abused. They were not allowed to learn to read or write.
Slaves resisted by
breaking tools, pretending to be sick or working slowly.
The economy in the South depended on what that were grown on plantations?
cash crops
Cash crops made who very rich?
What is the name of a port city?
Savannah, Georgia
What was the purpose of southern port cities?
to import and export goods
Most people in the South lived and worked on
small farms. They did not own enslaved workers.
What was the main cash crop in Maryland, Virginia, and North Carolina?
What was the main cash crop in South Carolina?
Name 3 types of cash crops
Tobacco, rice and indigo
What did southern colonies build?
sawmills and naval stores
Name another major industry in the South
What was the Toleration Act?
It gave religious freedom to all Christians.
What is a constitution?
A written plan of government.
What are debtors?
People who had been put in prison for owing money.
How did the settlements affect Native Americans?
They were pushed off their lands, their villages were destroyed which led to war.