chap 5 Flashcards
Articulatory rehearsal process
Rehearsal process involved in working memory that keeps items in the phonological store from decaying.
Articulatory suppression
Interference with operation of the phonological loop that occurs when a person repeats an irrelevant word such as “the” while carrying out a task that requires the phonological loop.
Auditory coding
Representation of the sound of a stimulus in the mind.
Used in connection with the idea of chunking in memory. This is a collection of elements that are strongly associated with each other, but are weakly associated with elements in others.
Combining small units into larger ones, such as when individual words are combined into a meaningful sentence. This can be used to increase the capacity of memory.
Central executive
The part of working memory that coordinates the activity of the phonological loop and the visuospatial sketch pad.
Control processes
In Atkinson and Shiffrin’s modal model of memory, active processes that can be controlled by the person and may differ from one task to another. Rehearsal is an example of this.
Process by which information is lost from memory due to the passage of time.
The form in which stimuli are represented in the mind. For example, information can be represented in visual, semantic, and phonological forms. See also Neural code, which refers to how stimuli are represented in the firing of neurons.
Digit span
The number of digits a person can remember. This is used as a measure of the capacity of short-term memory.
Delayed partial report method
Procedure used in Sperling’s experiment on the properties of the visual icon, in which participants were instructed to report only some of the stimuli in a briefly presented display. A cue tone that was delayed for a fraction of a second after the display was extinguished indicated which part of the display to report.
Delayed-response task
A task in which information is provided, a delay is imposed, and then memory is tested. This task has been used to study short-term memory by testing monkeys’ ability to hold information about the location of a food reward during a delay.
Echoic memory
Brief sensory memory for auditory stimuli that lasts for a few seconds after a stimulus is extinguished.
Episodic buffer
A component added to Baddeley’s original working memory model that serves as a “backup” store that communicates with both LTM and the components of working memory. It holds information longer and has greater capacity than the phonological loop or visuospatial sketch pad.
The process of acquiring information and transferring it into memory.
Iconic memory
Brief sensory memory for visual stimuli that lasts for a fraction of a second after a stimulus is extinguished. This corresponds to the sensory memory stage of the modal model of memory.
Mental approach to coding
Determining how a stimulus or experience is represented in the mind.