Chap 3 Flashcards
What is learning ?
learning is a relatively permanent change in behavior due to practise and experience
what are the 4 attributes to learning ?
- its a process of relatively permanent change in behavior
- it does not change due to illness or fatigue or maturation, nor use of intoxicant
- its not directly observable but it manifests in activities
- learning depends on practise and experience
what are the characteristics of learning ?
according to yoakman and simpson :
1. continuous modification of behavior throughout life
2. pervasive
3. involves the whole person
4. is often a change in the organization of experiences
5. is responsive to encouragement
6. is an active process
7. is purposeful
8. depends on maturation and motivation
9. is multifaceted
what are he factors that could influence learning ?
- motivation
- intelligence
- maturation
- physical condition of the learner
- working conditions
- mental wellbeing of the learner
- background experience
- length of the working period
what is the classical conditioning theory of learning
by ivan pavlov
it focuses on the learning of the involuntary emotional and psychological responses.
The theory aims to explain the way in which reflex behavior may become associated with a new stimulus that does not naturally activate that behavior
what are the basics of classical conditioning
- neutral stimulus
- unconditioned stimulus
- unconditioned response
- conditioned stimulus
- conditioned response
what is stimulus generalization ?
its when a stimulus that is similar to an already conditioned stimulus starts to produce the same responses as the original stimulus
what is stimulus discrimination ?
its when an organism differentiate between the conditioned stimulus and a similar one
what’s acquisition
its the initial stage where one links a neutral stimulus and an unconditioned stimulus so that the neutral stimulus can trigger the conditioned response
what’s an extinction ?
its when responses start to decrease if conditioned stimulus is not accompanied by the unconditioned stimulus over time
spontaneous recovery ?
its the reappearance of the conditioned response after a rest period or lessened response
what’s the operant conditioning
by : BF skinner
learning in which a voluntary response is strengthened or weakened, depending on its favorable or unfavorable consequences.
how does skinner describe learning
he describes it as a voluntary response, it can be strengthened or weakened depending on the positive or negative consequences.
what are the basic steps followed by skinner in operant conditioning
what are the consequences of the learners responses?
- neutral consequences
- a reinforcement
- punishment