Chap 1 Flashcards
What’s psychology
The term psychology epistemologically. It is the study of the mind, soul or spirit. 
How is psychology defined by scholars?
It is defined by scholars as the scientific study of behavior and mental processes
How do you define scientific study, behavior and mental processes?
Scientific study : the scientific methods that psychologist use to observe human and animal behavior to draw conclusions
Behavior is the outward or any observable, actions or responses
Mental process is an non-observable action
What are the goals of psychology
Psychology has four goals:
1 : describe
2 : understand
3 : predict
4 : control behavior
what is the historical development of psychology
it was started in 1879
in germany by wilhelm wundt
until the 20’s : it was first called the science of mental life
but then became a science of behavior
after the 60’s it became a science of both mental process and behavior
by what do the early schools of psychology differ with
- the object of the study : what theyre studying
- the goal :
- the method they use : observation , case studies etc..
How many early schools of psychology are there? What are they?
There are five early schools of psychology:
- Structuralism.
- Functionalism.
- Gestalt psychology.
- Behaviorism.
- Psychoanalysis.
its developed by Wilhelm Wundt and Edward Titchener
it tries to analyze the the structure of mental life into basic elements of experience
the method used is introspection
developed by William james
it studies what the mind does and how it functions. As well as how behavior allows people to satisfy their needs and how it permits people to adopt to their environment
Gestalt psychology
developed by Max Wertheimer
its the study of the whole mind
it believes that the mind is not made of combinations of elements
Behaviorism psychology
developed by : John b Watson
its the study of observable and measurable behaviors and not hidden processes
3 characteristics :
- conditional response
- learned behavior
- focus on animal behavior
psychoanalysis psychology
developed by: freud sigmund
it studies the components of the unconscious part of the mind
- distress leads to conflicts and trauma
- dreams , slip of the tongue and jokes
- methods: hypnosis and dream analysis
How many modern schools of psychology are there? What are they
There are six modern schools of psychology
1. Psychodynamic perspective.
2. Behavioral perspective.
3. Humanistic perspective.
4. Cognitive perspective,
5. biological perspective,
6. sociocultural perspective.
Psychodynamic perspective
it emphasizes on unconscious triggered inner conflicts.
1. the influence of unconscious mental behavior on everyday behavior
2. the role of child personality in determining adult personality
3. the role of intrapersonal conflict in determining human behavior
behavioral perspective
emphasis on learning experiences/ environment in shaping the behavior of an organism
it affects the persons actions in maintaining or discouraging specific behaviors