Chap 24 Flashcards
Neonates age
Birth to 28 days
Infant age
Birth to one year
Toddlers age
1-3 years
Preschool age
4-5 years
School age
6-12 years
Adolescent age
13-17 years
Pediatric assessment triangle (PAT)
A tool used to perform a general impression of a pediatric impression of a pediatric patient; the elements of the PAT are appearance, work of breathing, and circulation (perfusion)
The inward movement of the soft tissues between the ribs when a child breathes in
An acute respiratory condition common in infants and children that is characterized by a barking type of cough or strider.
Upper respiratory infection very common in infants and children. Infection caused by a virus and affects the larynx (voice box), trachea and bronchi.
Sudden infant death syndrome
The sudden unexplained death of an apparently healthy baby during sleep
Not caused by external methods of suffocation, vomiting or by choking
Blood pooled on side body has been laying
Mandated reporter
Individuals designated by law to report cases of suspected abuse or neglect.
Shaken-baby syndrome
A form of child abuse that occurs when an abuser violently shakes an infant or small child creating a whiplash type motion that causes acceleration-deceleration injuries.
Causes brain to hit skull and cause bruising swelling or bleeding, building pressure.
Shaking also can cause injury to the neck and spine and to the eyes, causing loss of vision