Chap 23 Flashcards
Unborn baby
Unfertilized egg
Uterus or womb
Muscular structure that holds the baby during pregnancy
The carrying of a developing fetus by a female
Full term
A pregnancy that has achieved a complete gestation of between 38 and 40 weeks
Three months of a pregnancy
The opening of the uterus
Bloody showing
The normal discharge of blood prior to delivery
Birth canal
The interior aspect of the vagina
Amniotic fluid
The fluid surrounding the baby contained within the amniotic sac
The bulging out of the vagina caused by the baby’s head during delivery
Imminent delivery
A delivery that is likely to occur within the next few minutes
Amniotic sac
The fluid filled sac that surrounds the developing fetus
The the organ of pregnancy that serves as the filter between the mother and developing fetus
Umbilical cord
The structure that connects the baby to the placenta
First stage of labor
Begins with the onset of regular contractions and ends when the cervix is fully dilated (approximately 10 centimetres) allowing the baby to enter the birth canal
The second stage of labor
Begins when the baby enters the birth canal and ends when he is born
Third stage of labor
Begins when the baby is born and ends when the placenta, commonly referred to as the afterbirth, is delivered
Rupture of membranes
Amniotic sac breaks during labor and the amniotic fluid flows out of the vagina. The fluids help lubricate the birth canal for the passage of the baby
Births average times
Usually 16 hours and quite common for the labor process to be shorter with each successive birth
Blood during birth
It is normal to have vaginal discharge throughout labor. During the first stage of labor, the first type of discharge to appear should be a watery, bloody mucus. Later, the discharge will appear as a watery, bloody fluid. This is normal and not the same as bleeding.
Starts as much as 30-45 mins apart and become closer together until they are three minutes or less apart. Pain usually starts in lower back and then moves to lower abdomen.
Contraction time
Span of time from the beginning of a contraction until it relaxes is called the contraction time
Interval time
This is the span of time from the start of one contraction to the beginning of the next contraction
Braxton Hicks contractions
Light, painless, irregular contractions, which may increase gradually in intensity and frequency during the third trimester. False labor pains aren’t as regular and rhythmic as true labor contractions