Chap 20 Flashcards
British hero of Napoleonic Wars
Duke of Wellington
Greatest Britain leader of 19th century
William Pitt the Younger
Important leader and founder of London police
Sir Robert Peel
England’s longest ruling monarch-known for being good
What empire covered 1/4 of the globe
British empire
Worlds first fair-1851
Great Exhibition
Victoria’s husband-called prince consort
Prince Albert
Right to vote
Provides suffrage to middle-class males
Reform Bill of 1832
Represented middle-class
Represented nobility and wealth
“Grand Old Man” Liberal Leader
William Glandstone
Leader of Conservatives and prime minister
Benjamin Disraeli
“Prince of Preachers” pastor of Metropolitan Tabernacle in London
Charles H. Spurgeon
Preacher and Bible teacher
F.B. Meyer
Great American Evangelist
Dwight L. Moody
Moody’s song leader
Ira Sankey
Famous cricket player turned missionary
C.T. Studd
Missionary to Newfoundland and Labrador
Wilfred Grenfell
Presbyterian missionaries to China
Robert Morrison and William Burns
Greatest British missionary in China-founded China inland Mission
J. Hudson Taylor
Chinese attempted to remove foreign influence
Boxer Rebellion
Opened trade between Japan and U.S.
Commodore Matthew Perry
1st diplomatic representative from U.S to Japan
Townsend Harris
1st Baptist missionary to Japan
Johnathan Goble
German Missionary and famous prayer warrior, founded orphanages
George Muller
Founded Salvation Army
William Booth
One of 1st people to take gospel to interior of Japan
Founded to do benevolent work among urban men
Y. M. C. A
Worked for improved treatment of mentally handicapped
Lord Ashley
Where older students trained younger students
Monitorial schools
Created modern nursing profession
Florence Nightingale
What are the dates for the Great Age of British Imperialism?
Britain’s expansion
Gold, God, glory
Strategic negotiations between nations
Britain, France, and Sardinia defeated Russia
Crimean War
Sent to investigate problems between British and French in Canada
Lord Durham
Made Canada a self-governing commonwealth
British North America Act of 1867
Tool of British settlement
East India Company
Made British government in control of India
India Act
British missionary to India
William Carey
British missionary to Indian women and girls
Amy Carmichael
Fostered much hate by Africans to Europeans
Slave trade
Scottish missionary who explored Blue Nile
James Bruce
Traced most of Niger River
Mungo Park
1st European to cross Sahara, discovered Lake Chad
Hugh Claperton
1st European to reach Timbuktu
Alexander Laing
One of 1st missionaries to Africa
Most famous Explorer in Africa, discovered Victoria Falls
American reporter sent to find Livingstone
Helped fund Freetown in Sierra Leone for freed slaves
1st independent African Republic, capital is Monrovia
1st Christian missionaries to Liberia
Lott Carey and Colin Teague
Most famous Liberian evangelist
William Harris
Christian Chef in Africa
Dutch farmers
Two places founded by Boers
Transvaal and Orang Free State
British Prime Minister of Cape Colony
Cecil Rhodes
War between Dutch Afrikaners and British
Boer War
Two Boer leaders
Paul Kruger, Louis Botha
Explored Australia and New Zealand
James Cook
Original Australia Inhabitants
Natives of New Zealand
Officially joined Ireland and England
Act of Union
Key issue between England and Ireland
Allowed Catholics to vote and sit in parliament
Catholic Emancipation Act
British Scientist who coined the term agnostic
Idea that government should own or control a nations economy
Believed in “greatest happiness for the greatest number”
Want social reform, no literal Bible
Christian Socialists
Popularized Darwinism
Said Bible was a myth and full of errors
Popularized Darwinism