Chap 17 2 Flashcards
Official representative body of France
National Assembly
French version of Parliament
Vowed to continue meeting until a constitution was written
Tennis Court Oath
Was stormed July 14, 1789
When was the Bastille stormed
July 14, 1789
Decree that ended the lord’d privileges
August 4 Decrees
Proclaimed Liberty, equality, fraternity, or death
Declaration of the Rights of Man and Citizen
An extreme radical group
Jacobin Club
Created a church of France
Civil Constitution of the Clergy
France’s first written constitution
Constitution of 1791
3rd representative body of France’s revolution
National Convention
Device used to chop off heads
Leader of Committee of Public Safety, led in the Reign of terror
Maximilian Robespierre
New system of weights and measures
Metric system
General of France that became dictator
Napoleon Bonaparte
What year did Napoleon form the Consulate?
Napoleon’s law code
Code Napoleon
Formal agreement
British defeated French and Spanish navies
The Battle of Trafalger
Greatest naval hero
Lord Horatio Nelson
Greatest victory of Napoleon’s career
Battle of Austerlitz
Napoleon’s 2nd wife
Marie Louise
Napoleon’s European economic system
Continental System
Withdrew from Continental System
Czar Alexander I
What year did Napoleon in aid Russia
Europe defeated Napoleon
Battle of Leipzig
Napoleon exiled here
Where Napoleon was defeated in 1815
Battle of Waterloo
Where Napoleon was exiled after Battle of Waterloo
St. Helena
Great literary figure
Samuel Johnson
Belief that society is bad, but man is good
Three groups that make up France’s assembly
Left, Right, Center
Belief that God is an unknowable being, revealed only in nature
How many times did George Whitefield preach
Line that James I came from