Chap 2 Flashcards
Some possible reasons why police function change from being order maintenance to being dominated to fight crime
Public expectations with respect to order safety and protection increased
Legal systems sought to gain greater adherence by the police to legal norms
Police evolution took place within the context of the reform error in American American government. Police departments had to specify their functions and gather data to demonstrate their efficiency and effectiveness and crime related was easier to quantify and justify.
Sought professional. Could claim special skills as well as the need for special training for investigating crimes more so than for maintaining order
Products of modern technology that the police were able to include in their work are more consistent with crime attack model of policing
Action oriented, mandate, such as crime fighting with American cultural expectations
Influence of the media on the public perception of police work contributing to crime fighting image
In citizen, initiated, law-enforcement situations, police have less discretion normally than they do and self initiated. Why?
Partly because police usually have no clues about who committed the crime and also if the offender can be identified the preference of the citizen, initiator will often influence the officers decision
What are some reasons police exercise discretion?
An officer who attempted to enforce all the laws all the time would be in the station house and in court all the time, and thus would be a little use when problems arose the community
Legislatures pass some laws that they clearly do not intend to have strictly enforced all the time
Legislature passed some laws that are vague making it necessary for the police to interpret them and decide when to apply them
Most Law violations are minor in nature and do not require full enforcement
Full Enforcement of all laws all the time with alienate the public and undermine support for the police and legal system
Full Enforcement of all laws all the time would overwhelm the courts and correctional system
Police have many duties to perform with limited resources
Law-enforcement is best understood as one means employed by police officers to solve problems rather than an end itself
It is the police who can ultimately force compliance
What is one of the most important characteristics of policework?
Communication skills