Champions Flashcards
Tener + Cuidado - Yo tengo cuidado con lo que como
(Could also say - Ser + Cuidadoso, former prob better though)
“Asustar” is more of a sudden or unexpected fear, like being scared by a loud noise or a surprise
“Dar miedo” is a more general term that refers to something or someone that is inherently scary or unsettling. It is used to describe something or someone that has the ability to cause fear in a person, even if they are not currently doing so
So, “dar miedo” is more about the source of fear, and “asustar” is about the reaction to it.
Miedo 2
Asustado o Tener Miedo o Dar Miedo
-Estar + Asustado = To be afraid/scared
-Tener miedo = To be scared(you, in your mind, indirect)[El le tiene miedo = He’s afraid of him][Tengo miedo]
-Dar Miedo = To scare/It’s scary idk(something causes you or someone to be scared, uses indirect) [El sonido de la artillería enemiga no le dio miedo a los soldados - The sound of the enemy artillery didn’t frighten the soldiers.
-Asustarse = To get frightened(Mostly used in past tense like [Nos asustamos muchísimo con la explosión de la bomba - We got terribly frightened when the bomb went off.])
To make happy/To cheer up
Nos alegraste mucho con la noticia de que vamos a ser abuelos - You’ve made us really happy with the news that we’re going to be grandparents.
Estamos planeando una fiesta para alegrarla - We’re planning a party to cheer her up.
To be happy/To be happy that
Alegrarse de que - To be happy that
Alegrarse de - To be happy(Wont be used that much I think)
Me alegra tanto
Me alegro de tu boda - Happy for your wedding
Me alegro por ti - I’m happy for you
Me alegro de que puedes venir a mi boda.
To like
To like very much/(Objects)
To Love(People)
To Feel
HInative/Spanishdict/Reddit - Sentir vs sentirse
Sentí mal por el
Te sientas mejor?
Siento raro, ahora - Estoy raro
Siento feliz(I feel happy) - Estoy feliz
To make ____(emotion,action etc…)
La hizo llorar
Me haces triste - You make me sad
Te hicé reir - I made you laugh
To laugh
Hinative/Spanishdict/Reddit - Reir vs Reirse
To be wrong/To get wrong/To make a mistake
Equivocar - To get wrong
Equivoqué la dirrecion de email - I got the email address wrong
Estar equivocado - Estas equivocado You are wrong
Equivocarse o Cometer un error - To make a mistake/To be wrong[SON SINONIMOS]
Tal vez se equivoco = Maybe she made a mistake
Tal vez cometió un error
To get right
Hinative - Tener bien, esta bien, hacer bien(past tense?)
-Esta bien
-Hacer bien = Esta la hiciste bien =
When you’re going over the answers of a friend for example in some sort of test, you can use these:
* Lo/La tienes bien
When someone is right about something they explained or so, you can use these:
* Correcto
* Tienes razón
* Estás en lo correcto
Después de
Antes/Antes de
Afuera - Outside[Mas comun en Latino America]
Fuera - Out, but can mean outside too[Mas comun en Espana]
El esta fuera de la casa = He’s out of the house
Por dentro,
Hinative answer:
a, dentro….. no movement involved
b, adentro ……. movement is involved…. voy is a verb of movement and hacia is a preposition that indicates movement towards a person or object.
both mean inside but adentro indicates motion and is used with verbs of movement .
Dentro is inside something …. in the box, in the pocket. Adentro is in the interior of something…. in the church, in the building, in the bus?
Delante de ___[Comun]
Enfrente de[Comun] - Enfrente del casa
Por delante de___[Formal]
“Delante” and “adelante” are Spanish words that have similar meanings, but are used in slightly different contexts.
“Delante” is a preposition that means “in front of” or “before.” It is used to indicate the position of something or someone in relation to another. For example: “La casa está delante del parque” (The house is in front of the park).
You are in front of me = Estás delante de mí.
“Adelante” is an adverb that means “forward” or “ahead.” It is used to indicate direction or movement. For example: “Vamos adelante” (Let’s go forward).
Across from
Enfrente de - across from or facing. This is very commonly used to describe a place that is across the street from (enfrente de) another place. It also seems to be OK to write “enfrente” as one word or as two: en frente. The meaning is the same.
Mi casa esta enfrente de la escuela
Infront of(A line etc….)
Al frente de - in the lead (of a parade, or line-up, for example) or in charge of.
El esta al frente del fila
Detras/Detras de[Latino] y Atras de[Espana]
When talking about movement, then “atrás” means back or backwards. Ex:
- El niño dio un paso hacia atrás al ver a un enorme perro -> The kid took a step back when he saw a huge dog
When talking about relative position or location, this is, comparing two positions, then “detrás” means behind. Ex:
- Estoy justo detrás de ti -> I’m right behind you
When talking about sides of enclosures or boxes, etc, then “atrás” means at the back. Ex:
- Ella se encuentra en la parte de atrás del edificio -> She is located at the back of the building
La izquierda
La darecha/El Darecho
Ahead/Ahead of
Adelante de ____[Mas comun]
Por delante de ____[Formal]
“Delante” and “adelante” are Spanish words that have similar meanings, but are used in slightly different contexts.
“Delante” is a preposition that means “in front of” or “before.” It is used to indicate the position of something or someone in relation to another. For example: “La casa está delante del parque” (The house is in front of the park).
“Adelante” is an adverb that means “forward” or “AHEAD.” It is used to indicate direction or movement. For example: “Vamos adelante” (Let’s go forward).
“Vamos a ir adelante con el plan” (We’re going to move forward with the plan)
Vamos adelante = Let’s go forward
Avanzar[Formal] = To move forward
Es necesario avanzar en el proyecto” (It is necessary to move forward in the project)
Hacia adelante - More specific, indicating a direction of movement
“Estamos moviéndonos hacia adelante” (We’re moving forward)
Cachorrito: A baby dog
Perrito: A small dog(Chihuahua)
Fish(Still in Water)