CH9: Accidents Flashcards
First response to an accident:
- Secure the area, provide first aid, and call for help
- Give emergency services your exact location in great detail, and make sure someone is at the door for the EMTs
- Take care of any injured until help arrives
- Ensure you have sufficient contact with an injured person
- Explain any infectious or chemical material the technician worked with.
Next steps after an accident:
Don’t move anything, unless necessary for safety.
Write down all eye witnesses
Final Actions after an Accident:
Write a report and discuss future precautions with the safety committee
If necessary, contact Poison Control in case materials are infectious or hazardous to clean.
First response to an Eye Accident:
- Ask if the person is wearing eye contacts, and remove if yes.
- Use eye wash bottles until eye station is reached.
- Immediately rinse with a soft flow
What to do when rinsing an injured persons Eyes?
*Have the injured roll their eyes and rinse the skin around.
*Keep rinsing until help arrives
*DON’T neutralize OR detoxify.
*You may be able to use a local anesthetic
If broken glass gets in the eye…
Do NOT remove the glass. Instead, put a wet washcloth over the eye and bring the injured straight to the hospital.
*Once the injured person is under professional care, clean up broken glass carefully
*If you need to break glass, scratch glass first, wrap in a towel, then break down.
Inhalation of certian compounds can be…
life threatening, thus always react quickly and correctly.
What to do when inhalation accident occurs
- Immediately call for help and bring injured to clean air
- keep the injured calm and provide breathing patterns.
- Consider possible contaminations before giving mouth to mouth
- Never let the person lie down, they can drown from fluid accumulation up to 24 hours after inhalation
No matter how serious, the injured shouldn’t consume…
any stimulants or alcohol 2-3 days after the incident.
If a person inhales cyanide…
an antidote must be administered immediately of amyl nitrite, and bring them to fresh air
Strong corrosives (gases and dusts) can be lethal as…
symptoms may not appear until after 24 hours. All irritants and corrosives cause fluid accumulation, and strong reactions from inhalation are normal.
If ingestion occurs…:
- Rinse the mouth carefully and if applicable, make the injured drink water or milk
- Only vomit (properly) if applicable to the compound
*Do NOT neutralize ANY acid or bases in the stomach
If ingestion of an organic solvent occurs…:
*Do NOT make them vomit as it can enter lungs or further damage their esophagus.
*IF they start vomiting, don’t stop them.
* Bring injured to a doctor immediately and contact poison center.
If the chemical is unknown or as a suicide attempt…
samples from the stomach may have to be taken
If hazardous material is spilled on skin…
- Immediately wash with tons of water and don’t stop.
*Only use lukewarm water, never hot, never hot nor cold as this affects pores and can increase absorption or trap chemcials in pores.