CH12: Other Hazards and Responses Flashcards
Supervisors should make sure that everyone…
- That everyone’s phsycial and metal safety if put first
*Understand and recieve adequate training
*Receive and document any extra training for any staff working with a new chemical
Managing Directors are ultimately responsible for…
*Setting up a well-structured safety committee the works directly under them
*Make a safe environment (Safety mindset and culture)
Procedures for… Floods and Water Leaks!
- Turn off all water and call Emergency units
*Call on site janitor or supervisor if outside of hours
*Remove valuables from the area to minimize damage
*Try to direct water stream to nearest drain
*Start cleaning up if safe
Procedures for… Electrical Outages!
- Follow emergency lighting and minimize damage if possible
*Call building supervisors or janitor if outside hours
*Do NOT fix the problem yourself
*Samples and materials that are very valuables will likely have a secondary container available if you can move these.
Procedures for… Hurricanes!
*Bind down loose items
*Make sure all windows and doors are securely closed
*Cancel trips, lectures, meetings, and other commitments
*Don’t jeopardize people’s safety including yourself
What to do if a Break-in or Attack happens:
*Contact police immediately
*Remember “Run, Hide, Fight” - if hiding, turn off your phone
*Don’t talk sense into a shooter
Think List for an Attacker:
- Where is the attacker located, is it arms?
*Prioritize people’s safety over everything
*Contact police providing name, location, situation, physical and mental appearance
*Close off the area if able
*Meet with response team and therapy
Safety committees must follow these requirements…
*must be on top of licenses, updated regualtions, and have human resource backgrounds
*Handle lab safety for all disciplines, waste disposal, spills, accidents, fire precautions, psychological safety, and building safety
Risk Management Cycle
- Identify Risks - by material used or type of accident
- Assess Risks - what can be done to minimize, classify, or handle specific hazards.
- Control Risks - take proper steps to control it like PPE, safety equipment, additional training, and contingency plans
- Review - repeat these steps
Procedure for Explosions or Major Chemical spills:
*Sound any fire alarms
* immediately leave the lab, closing the door behind you
*Call emergency services
*Close as many doors and windows as possible
*Do not reenter
*Provide first aid if necessary
Procedure for Earthquakes:
*Remember Drop, Cover, Hold under a doorway, desk or corner of support walls
*Avoid furniture, ovens, chemicals, bio samples, trash, broken glass, and any other hazards
*Evacuate immediately if bad enough
*If the building integrity is at risk, chemicals have spilled, or gas leak occurred, make sure to evacuate
Procedure after Earthquake Evacuation:
*Administer first aid and call emergencies
*Close the facility and notify firefighters of injured or abandoned people
*help to turn off intake of gas, water, and main electricity
*turn on any radio to follow emergency management guidelines