CH.8 - Ethnic and Radicalized Groups Flashcards
Promoting tolerance and diversity in communities
distinctions, exclusions, and preferential treatment based on traits that risk a persons human rights and freedom.
How ppl are classified based off physical characteristics like skin color, hair type, and facial features.
Being part of a group who shares a national tradition, language or heritage.
Ethnic groups
Ppl who share a common homeland, language or culture.
Discrimination, prejudice, or antagonism driected towards someone of a different ethnicity or racialized group with the belief that ones own racialized identity is superior.
Biological vs Constructive Concepts of Racialization
- ethnicity is socially connstructed but the categories and chanable and sociably constructe
- Category we are placed in can affect our lives, jobs, and connections
- race and racialization is socially constructed
Racialized minority
ppl who are treated a certain way because of thier features. Racialization is directed towards ppl who have features different to the majority of the group that holds social power.
Black, indigenous, ppl of colour
* dominant group is unaware of struggles of racialized group
* Dominant groups think that racialized groups affect thier status
Ethnic enclaves
an area with a high concentration of residents of a particular ethnicity or related ethnicities w a destinct culture and defines boundary
* i.e., vans chinatown
- Ethnic identity provides social conectedness
- ethnic diversity provides more values and opinions to enrich society
- immigrants live in cities where ethnic groups have settled like c=van, or toronto
- allows immigrants to get proper support
- Functionalists see diversitiy as benefiting society bcs it promotes diverse perpectives and social practices
Conflict theory
- dominant groups benefit from excluding and marginalizing minorities
- crt examines cause and effects of racialization
Symbolic interactionism
- ethnic differentiation is constructed by labelling
- code-switching eases moving b/w sociall groups w different values and norms
- racialized groups are seen as the “other” to highloght socially constructed differences
- examines intersectionality of racialization w/ gender, class, and sexual orientation
- men are treated as the standard and women are seen ad the “other”
- you are ata disdvantage if you are a woman, and severity depends on racialization, class, age, disability, and vulnerability.
Widley held beliefs ab a social group that are simplistic and often false. Stereotypes can be both positive and negative.
Critical race theory
a thoery that views racialization as a performance and social construction rather than an innate biological qualitiy.
* racsism is normalized in society which makes it hard to counter
* crt argues that oppression stems ffrom social, eco., and legal differences that white ppl place to maintain status
* crt says that disadvantaged ppl live a reality of inequality as they are the ones who expereince it.
racialized (or ethnic) socialization
to evaluate ppl (including ourselves) according to presumed racilized or ethnic differences
* learning what it means socially and culturally to be german, chinese, indian etc.
Ethnic solidarity
members of self-conscious communities interact w one another to achieve common purposes
* a sense of belonging is expressed through rituals, ritual objects, symbols, language and colloquieal expression.
efferotlessly switching to a different language, dialect, class, and culture
* most commonly seen im children of immigrant parents
* able to adjust body language, expression, and parts of self to fit culture
* i.e., speakimg different to parents or granparents than friends
Social Distance
The percieved extent to which social groups are isolated from one another. It is measured by the degree to which a respondent (a member of one social class, racialized group, or ethnicity) would welcome members of anothere social class, racialized group or ethnicity.
* Conflict arises w/ one ethnic or social group opresses another ethnic or social group.
The idea that people from various ethnic and racialized backgrounds can come together in a single nation-state anf achieve high levels of trust.
* often dominant group doesnt realize struggles of racialized group
* way to increase tolerance is through social media
What are the three core elements of tolerance?
- Cognitive: a willing ability to reflect on inclusion and discrimination
- Evaluative: A sense that minority groups can add a poitive attribution
- Political: a readiness to welcome more immiigrants and help them settle
the scattering of any group of people.
What three things make up disporas?
- Dispersion: communities are separated by national borders
- Homeland orientation: Communities are oriented towards a distant homeland
- Boundary maintance: Communities are cohesive and exclude outsiders.
Racializatioin practice
- socially constructed
- racism happens when a group needs t o justify exploitation of another group.
- members of dominant group blame misfortune on marginalized group