CH.12 - Work Flashcards
industrial society
a society that uses advance technology that, when combines with a detailed division of labour, promotes mass production and a high standard of living.
* machinerery takes over regular jobs for items to be mass produced
* industrial societies provide healthcare, edu., welfare and is dominated by middle class
Convergance thesis
under conditioons of modernization, less developed socities will change more rapidly than well developed nations. Eventually all socities reach same level of social, economic, and cultural conditions.
What four things are needed to have a consumer society?
- mass production
- mass consumerism
- mass distribution
- mass communication
Key processes of industrialization
division of labour
the coordination of assignment of different parts of a job to different people to improve efficiency
Key processes of industrialization
different individuals or groups focus on production a limitied range of goods or services to yield greater efficiency overall
Key processes of industrialization
organic solidarity
social cohesion based on the division of labouor that results in people depending on each other; it binds ppl in technologicaly advance, industrialized societies.
Key processes of industrialization
breaking down tasks into small repetitive steps to cut down on wasted time.
* This creates alienation and takes away from skill set
Key processes of industrialization
each person gets a single task but the japanese approach stresses job enrichment to reduce boredom.
workplace filled w ppl who fill specialized/ white-collar roles who have people of more authority above them and less below them
dont report to a bass as they are self employed. They don’t have subordinates to control.
* professionals must have credential to show qualification
- some professions are losing thier high status
- emergance of junior wage-working class amoung professionals w/ qualifications.
The bureaucratization of work
- a defining feature of modern worklife
- as organizations grow larger bureaucratization usually follows as it has a set of rules for how people should perform their job
4 elements of mcdonaldization
- concern w efficacy
- calculating
- predicatbility
- control
marx: a group of people who share the same relationship to the means of production, or capital
weber: a group of people who share a common ecominc position based on property and athority
- owners of production(bourgeoise) are in conflict w/ working class
- bourgeoise exploits working class by gaining profit from what workers produce by keeping wages low and pirce of product high.
2 properties of capitalism
- exploitation: working class recieves less than price of finished product than capitalists
- Alienation: dehumanization of wokers, not satisfying of fulfilling work.
- focused on power and how racialized grouops have different experiences than non-racialized ppl
- often in lower paying jobs and there is a wage gap
- immigrants with edu. have worst jobs in canada
- immigrants w edu. are employed in jobs that require hs edu. or less
- deprofessionalization
- indig. ppl have high unemployment rate, or have low paying jobs due to lack of edu., qualification or experience
- if indig. ppl had same access to networking they could have more access to equal opportunities
Economic turmoil
- capitalists create economic turmoil -> COVID-19 created job loss because there had to be social distancing
- capitalists invest w/ market is high and leave before market falls
- they replace ppl w machines to get more profit rather than give into workers wanting a higher wage
Conflict theory
- class, work, and status
- class consciousness
- before one could easily distingush b/w blue-collar vs white-collar jobs but now white collar jobs are lossing their prestige due to exploitation
- work is a basic human need
- everyone profits when everyone works
- ppl w more edu. have more sucessful higher paying jobs
- inequality in jobs creates motivation
- ppl with higher edu. face higher consequences for mistake (surgeon compared to mcdonalds worker)
- women suffer from disavantages at work
- patriarchy controls workforce
- wage gap
- capitalists benefit from unpaid labour of women
- women work in more caring and emotional roles which could be due to stereotypes
- ppl w/ gender identities or trans ppl face discrimination
Symbolic interactionism
- attatching meaning to being poor and rich -> rich = hardworking, poor = lazy
- machines and tech taking over jobs
an economic system based on knowledge rather than factory made goods
* knowledge is a primary tool to benefit society
* workforce shift from labour to knowledge
How tech influences the workplace
tech=less exhausting work = more leisure time
* created inequality as it replaces ppl at bottom of work hierarchy
* machines lessen human error, work faster, and have more presicion and produce product faster
* creates high unemployment rates
* rise in virtual work
Modern capitalism and neoliberalism
- don’t own production or sell labour to capitalists -> doctors, lawyers, elected officials
- usually have expert knowledge
- have authority w/out controlling wealth
- neoliberal driven globalization: sending ppl overseas, lower wages, unpredicatble and temp. employment has grown
- expand in commerce, tourism, and finance= more jobs in hotel, cleaning and food industry
- immigrants experience downward mobility
- internantional students leave country after getting edu. due to discrimination, language barriers, and being away from family
Feminization of work
- 39% of owmen have precarious jobs (unpredicatble/uncontrollable), this is part time, on call, self employed etc…
- standard employment is declining
- gender equality for women is achieved from downward mobility of men in precarious jobs
Shrinking role of unions
- unions improve job security and working conditions
- union members get higher pay
- union declined
- main problem is consumption-> ppl want a higher pay but fall into consumerism which contributes to degredation of work.