CH.7 - Gender Flashcards
expectations associated w different caategories, such as sex, the body, emotions, intellect, appearance and roles.
Gender Inequality
Differences that exsist in education, income, and other opportunities based on a persons gender/orientation.
Biological markers associated w/ males or females. Sex is determined by genitalia, chromosomes, and hormones.
anything separated into two distinct categories.
Hegemonic masculinity
stereotypical behaviours and attitudes such as being strong, brave and rational.
Hegemonic femininity
A social construct including stereotypical behaviours such as being emotional, caring, and nuturing.
Gender Indentity
An inner sense of belonging to one, several, or no gender(s). May not be aligned w sex
Identifying with one, many, or no gender.
A person whos gender identity changes w time and context.
Two spirited
- term used by indigenous ppl
- identifies as having both a masculine and feminine spirit
Sexual Orientation
The gender an nindividual is attracted to
Gender roles
behaviours, markers, and attitudes given to men and women in society.
* expectations varies from culture to culture
* countries w more equality favour femininity over heemonic masculinity
* patiarchy!! structuring society around male dominance
* gender roles depend on your social location in society (black women sre given more housework than white becuase white are seen as being more fraile and weak)
discrepamcy b/w the gender that an individual identifies w and the biological sex they were assigned at birth.
* trans ppl dont nessecarily match their identity to their gender
* they recieve a lot of hate from society
a term that describes overlap b/w gender that someone identifies w and the sex they were assigned at birth
* gender identity = sex
Conflict theory
- gender inequality results from struggle for economic, politcal and social power
- capatalism benefots from inequality
- gender inequality leads women to support rhw workforce w/out pay
- women provide cheapest family labour -> keep family happy and healthy = no l=cost for employers
- gender roles and the division of labour support an efficient society
- women are well positioned to take care of children and the house while men provide for the family
- gender inequality stems from what was once an effective arrangment but failed to develop with time
- from an evolutionary standpoint women are well suited to stay at home to raise family
- gender differenciation -> stay at home father, breadwinner mothers
Symbolic interactionism
- socalization and labelling shapes gender identities
- we develop a sense of self - we take into consideration how we act and do things and how people respond and use response as a way to see how to integrate that behavour into our identity.
Feminist theory
- gender socialization (what it means to be a boy/girl) is socially constructed
- men and women have different gender roles
- men and women are treated different (wage gap)
- patriarchy
- women expereince more discrimination in the workforce
Gender at home
- stereotypical roles for men and women
- women expereince a second shift
- women rely on outside resources to lessen gap in housework
- women go on mat leave which makes them more unavailable and have less value in the workplace
Gender at work
- women recieve less pay -> but women do take more time off and could have less work expereince
- women spend more money on childcare servises
- racialized women earn less than white/ non-racialized women
Gender and school
- men are pushed to do trades and women are supposed to learn how to cook and clean
- women are more likely than men to get a degree and masters
- more men in stem than women, could be due to social roles
Gender-based violence
- women are more often victims of violence and usually to people that they know, and are less likey to report crime
- there is confusion b/w consensual and non consensual sex
- sexual assault usually goes unreported as it is isnt seen as important enough.
IPV and Victimization
- physical, sexual, and emotional abuse -> can cause stress, anxiety and suicidal thoughts
- women are at a higher risk of IPV, and women who were abused in childhood are at a higher risk of being abused later in life
- most ppl have a hard time leaving an abusive relationship bcs they think the person will change and they are scareed of being more abused, they could rely on thier partner finacially and is difficult to leave once children are invloved.
Victimization and indigenous women
- overrepresented as victims of violence and there are so mamny missing and murdered indigenous women
- ppl grow up having the idea that violence and victimization is normalized because Canada hasnt adressed the issue or how to fix it.