CH8 - Aquatic Biodiversity Flashcards
Two Types of Aquatic Biomes
Marine and Freshwater
- free-floating, weak swimming ability
- phytoplankton are capable of photosynthesis
- zooplankton are animals
- capable of sustained locomotion (against prevailing water movement)
- bottom-dwelling organisms
- without need for swimming
What does biodiversity in aquatic biomes depend on?
- temperature
- access to sunlight
- dissolved oxygen levels
- availability of nutrients (CO2, NO3 -, PO4 3-)
- aquatic photosynthesisers have adapted to these pressures
Marine Biomes
- saltwater oceans cover about 71% of Earth’s surface
- oceans regulate global temperature and climate
- there are over 1mil known marine species; as many as 9mil undiscovered
Major marine zones
Neritic zone: extends to the edge of continental shelf; contains 90% of all marine species
Oceanic zone: includes all waters beyond continental shelf
- partially enclosed area of coastal water
- where seawater and freshwater mix
- constant movement of tides & currents
- nutrient-rich environment
- wide range of temperature and salinity
Coastal Wetlands
- areas of coastal land that are converted with saltwater all or part of the year
- why are they important?
- they filter water, protect shorelines from erosion, provide feeding and breeding grounds for many organisms
- freshwater or estuarine wetlands dominated by grasses
- inland freshwater wetlands
- dominated by mosses
- freshwater, estuarine, or marine wetlands
- dominated by trees
- i.e. mangrove swamps
- tropical communities
- dominated by halophytic trees (adapted to grow in saline conditions)
Coral Reefs
- massive colonies of coral polyps living in a “skeleton” of calcium carbonate (limestone)
- most coral is a mutualistic symbiosis with zooxanthelle (single-cell algae)
- oldest & most productive ecosystems
- very slow growth rate
Threats to Coral Reefs
- warming & acidification of the oceans —> calcium carbonate dissolves, coral bleaching
- coral becomes stressed and expels zooxanthelle
- increased UV radiation
- global warming
- runoff pesticides, fertilizers, industrial chemicals
Oceanic Zone
- least productive of all ecosystems
- light only penetrates surface levels
- red wavelengths penetrate up to 1m; blue wavelengths penetrate up to 200m
Divisions of Oceanic Zone
Has light
- epipelagic/photic (0m-200m)
- mesopelagic (200m-1000m)
Pitch dark
- bathypelagic (1000m-4000m), 4-10ºC
- abyssalpelagic (4000m-6000m), overlies plains of major ocean basins
- halaylpelagic (6000m-10,000m), includes open water of deep trenches
Polar Marine Ecosystems
- polar caps are considered marine ecosystems bc primary food source is plankton
- Arctic Ocean- rich in nutrients (from surrounding land masses)
- Antarctic Ocean- lacks surrounding land masses, not very rich in nutrients
Freshwater Biomes
- where water with a salinity of less than 1ppt accumulates/flows through surfaces of terrestrial biomes
- lentic systems: standing water (i.e. lakes, ponds, inland wetlands)
- flowing systems: moving water (i.e. streams, rivers)
Lakes & Ponds
- large standing bodies of freshwater; where water fills depressions in Earth’s surface
- seasonal changes occur in temperate lakes —> overturn of water column
- during summer/winter, water becomes stratified into different temperature layers (thermocline)
- during spring/fall, waters at all layers mix (overturn) and equalize temperatures at all depths
Four Major Zones of Lakes
- littoral zone- from shallow area near the shore to where rooted plants stop growing
- limnetic zone- open sunlit water surface layer; extends to the depth penetrated by sunlight
- profundal zone- deep, open water; too dark for photosynthesis
- benthic zone- bottom of lake
Zones of Streams & Rivers
- source zone: headwaters of the river; cold, clear, highly oxygenated water
- transition zone: headwater streams marge to form wider, deeper streams; warmer & slower moving water supports >biodiversity (i.e. phytoplankton)
- flood plain zone: streams join into wider and deeper rivers that meander across broad, flat valleys; supports the greatest number of organism species
- aka drainage basin
- land area that delivers water, sediment, and dissolved substances to a stream/river
- characteristics: area, length, slope, soil, vegetation
Inland Wetlands
- marshes, swamps, bogs, seasonal wetlands (e.g. floodplain wetlands, prairie potholes)
- why are they important?
- provide food & habitat for fish, migratory waterfowl, wildlife
- filter, dilute, and degrade toxic waste, excess nutrients, sediment other pollutants from runoff
- reduce flooding & erosion (absorb overflows of streams & lakes)