air pollutant bingo lab Flashcards
to study for ch17-19 test (dec 4)
- CFCs
- used in cleaning products, refrigerants, propellants (hair spray, paint)
- depletes stratospheric ozone
- solutions: Montreal Protocol, reduce use of items with cfcs
carbon dioxide
- CO2
- emitted from car/truck exhaust, forest fires, volcanic eruptions, coal-burning powerplants
- increases greenhouse effect, produces smog
- solutions: decrease auto & powerplant emissions, use non-emitting power sources
greenhouse gases
- CO2, CH4, H2O, O3, CFCs, N2O
- emitted through combustion (burning) of fossil fuels
- traps heat in atmosphere, leads to climate change/global warming
- solutions: Kyoto Treaty, Paris Accords, decrease fossil fuel use
sulphuric acid
- H2SO2
- used in fertiliser production
- increases acidity of rivers/streams, corrosive
- solutions: stronger water quality standards & enforcement
- composed mostly of carbon
- mined (mountain-top), burned in powerplants
- increase CO2 production, sulphur is released during the mining process
- solutions: decrease dependence on coal, stronger mining regulations, invest in renewable energies
- Hg
- emitted by combustion of fossil fuels
- contaminates the food chain (bioaccumulates & biomagnifies)
- solutions: reduce fossil fuel use, invest in renewable energies
mercurous nitrates
- HgNOx
- used in the garment industry, used to make detonators for war
- may cause respiratory & gastrointestinal disorders in humans
- solutions: stronger regulations (ban them everywhere)
nitrous oxide
- N2O
- used in fertiliser for agricultural fields & livestock manure, used in aerosols
- traps heat in atmosphere (ghg), leads to climate change/global warming
- solutions: sustainable agricultural practices, lower amount of livestock
nitrogen dioxide
- NO2
- emitted by combustion of fossil fuels, cars, and burning coal
- acts as a respiratory irritant, aggravates asthma, creates acid rain & smog
- solutions: stronger regulations on air quality standards
nitrogen oxides
- NOx
- emitted from burning fossil fuels & cigarettes
- forms smog and acid rain, acts as respiratory irritant
- solutions: stronger regulations
ozone (troposphere)
- O3
- created from chemical reactions between NOx and VOCs in the presence of sunlight
- acts as a respiratory irritant, aggravates asthma, harmful to vegetation
- solutions: uphold & strengthen ozone standards in the Clean Air Act
photochemical smog
- O3, PAN
- secondary pollutants formed in the presence of sunlight -> form photochemical smog
- solutions: uphold & strengthen ozone standards in the Clean Air Act
- Pb
- emitted from leaded fuel & metal refineries
- causes brain & kidney damage, contaminates crops
- solutions: ban leaded gas, decrease usage
- Rn-222
- emitted by natural decay of uranium in underground granite
- causes cancer
- solutions: test areas for radon, seal buildings to prevent leakage
sulphur dioxide
- SO2
- emitted from coal-burning powerplants, refineries, and volcanic eruptions
- causes lung damage, forms acid rain, causes eye irritation
- solution: decrease coal usage, recycle metals (less use for refineries)
- CH4
- emitted by fracking, increasing global appetite for beef, landfill decomposition
- traps heat in atmosphere (ghg), leads to climate change/global warming
- solutions: regulations (bans) on fracking, decreased beef consumption, lanffill vent & capture systems
- U
- emitted by fuel in nuclear powerplants
- acts as radioactive waste (for which there is no permanent storage plan), creates H2O vapour (which is a ghg)
- solutions: create permanent waste storage facilities, decrease usage of nuclear power
primary pollutants for O3 depletion (stratosphere)
- SO2, CO, Pb, CFCs (!)
- depletion of O3 leads to increased levels of sunburn & skin cancer
- solutions: decrease auto emissions and leaded cas, Montreal Protocol
sulphur trioxide
- SO3
- emitted by the production of H2SO4 and explosives
- affects respiratory tract, potential carcinogen
- solutions: regulations and air quality standards (NAAQs)
addressed by Clean Air Act
- SO2, NOx, CO, O3, Pb, PM (particulate matter)
- solutions: CAA set standards for ambient air quality & limits for pollutants (NAAQs)
required for photochemical smog formation
- UV, VOCs, NO2
- VOCs and NO2 are emitted from automobile exhaust
- UV rays (sunlight) react with VOCs and NO2 to create photochemical smog
- irritates lungs and eyes
- solutions: reduce auto emissions
catalytic converter
used to reduce emissions in cars
decreased plankton
results from stratospheric O3 depletion & ocean acidification
depleted soil fertility
results from acid deposition
electrostatic precipitators
removes industrial particulate matter through use of charged particles
primary producer of grey smog
(e.g. Beijing, China)
wet scrubber
used to remove Cl, NOx, SOx, and PM
combines with fog to produce smog
source of Pb in order homes (water pipes/plumbing)
(e.g. Flint, Michigan)