Ch8 Flashcards
The top layer or dead leaves
Is anything that occurs naturally in the environment that occurs naturally in the environment and is used by people
Natural resources
Second layer is a mixture of rock fragments nutrients water air and decaying animal and plant matter
The third layer also contains rock fragments. Water and air but has less animal and plant matter than the topsoil
The last layer that makes up earths crust natural processes such as freezing and thawing Gradually break apart the bedrock
The process by which water wind or ice moves particles of rocks or soil is called
When the soil becomes less fertile
Nutrient depletion
Includes nutrients that help crops grow better
The advance of deserlike conditions into areas that previously were fertile is called
Is a period when less rain then normal falls in an area
The process of restoring an area of land to amore productive state
Land reclamation
People cut down wood land to Harvey timber or clear the land for farms or ranches
Large area of land are developed as more and more people move to cities and suburbs
Pollutants or
Is a thick brown haze formed when certain gases in te air react with sunlight
Photochemical smog
Form of oxygen which is toxic and is the major chemical found in smog
When a layer of warm air prevents the rising air from escaping
Temperate inversion
Precipitation that is more acidic than normal because of air pollution
Acid rain
A colorless odorless gas that is radioactive
A layer of the upper atmosphere about 15-30 kilometers above earth
Ozone layer
Are human made gases that contain chlorine and fluorine
Streams and smaller rovers that feed into main rivers are called
The land area that supplies water to a river system is called a
A lake that stores water for human use is called a
Over time nutrients can build up in the lake in a process called
Materials that sand and gravel allow water to pass through they are known as
Meaning water can’t pass through it
The top water zine is called the
Unsaturated zone
The level where the pries in the ground are saturated with water
Saturated zone
The top of the saturated zine is the
Water table
Any underground layer or permeable rock or sediment that Hilda water and allows it to flow is called
Water rises on its own because of pressure within an aquifer
Artesian zone