CH7- Learning Flashcards
Acquiring knowledge or skills from experience which result in more or less permanent change in a person
What are the two main approaches of learning?
Classical conditioning
Operant conditioning
What are other types?
Observational learning
Implicit learning
What did Pavlov learn?
What occurs when a neutral stimulus (NS) produces a response after being paired with a stimulus that naturally produces a response
Before conditioning occurs what does the NS do?
It does not naturally elicit a relevant or consistent response
What is the most fundamental way that we learn many new responses, emotions and attitudes?
Unconditioned stimulus (US)
Something that reliably produces a naturally occurring reaction in an organism
Un conditioned response (UR)
Reflexive reaction that is reliably produced by an unconditioned stimulus
Conditioned stimulus (CNS)
A stimulus that is initially neutral and produces no reliable response in an organism
Conditioned response (CR)
Reaction that resembles an unconditioned response but is produced by a conditioned stimulus
What are the basic principles of classical conditioning ?
- Acquisition
- extinction
- spontaneous recovery
- Second-order conditioning
- generalization
- discrimination
CS-US paring
CS alone
Making it go away
Spontaneous recovery
CS alone after 24hrs
U can get reaction again
Second order conditioning
CS alone after 24 hrs
Scared of a pool-> lake, ocean
Just reacting to a specific element (only one pool)
Elements of classical conditioning
- Cognitive elements
- Neural elements
- Evolutionary elements
Classical conditioning: Cognitive elements
Rescorla and Wagner
Classical condition occurs when you set up an expectation
: strong in conditioning (you condition stronger in a new element/environment than in a familiar one) first time experience vs 5 year exp
Classical conditioning: Neural elements
Takes less long to learn emotional conditioning to non emotional
- hippocampus: remember its role in memory
- amygdala: responsible for fear conditioning
Classical conditioning: evolutionary elements
Easier to learn things that help us survive
Taste aversion + biological preparedness
Operant conditioning
a type of learning in which the consequences of an organism’s. Behavior determine whether that behavior will be repeated in the future
Law of effect
You do something u like the outcome-> do again
You do something u dont like the outcome-> dont do again
What did Skinner focus on? What did he state?
The role of reinforcement and punishment
He stated that behaviors operate on the environment
What is operant behavior?
Behavior that an organism produces that has some impact on the environment
What is operant conditioning?
Consequences are at the hear
Response is generally active and voluntary
What is classical conditioning?
Consequences are irrelevant
Response is genera;;y passive and involuntary
Increases the likelihood of the behavior to happen again
What are examples of primary reinforcers?
Food, sex and sleep
What are examples of secondary reinforcers
Money and praise
Positive reinforcement
Add something enjoyable
Negative reinforcement
Remove unpleasant element
Decreases the likelihood of the behavior that led to happen again
Positive punishment
Add something they dont like
Negative punishement
Take away something they like
What is bad about punishment
You dont show them what they should do instead
What are basic principles of operant conditioning?
Fixed interval schedule (FI)
Variable internal schedule (VI)
Fixed ratio schedule (FR)
Variable ratio schedule (VR)
Fixed interval schedule (FI)
Time: seconds, minutes
It’s a fixed time
Variable interval schedule (VI)
You don’t know after what amount of time
Fixed ratio schedule (FR)
Amount of times a behavior is done
Every ten times…
Variable ratio schedule (VR)
The amount is not fixed
Intermittent reinforcement
Reinforcing on a variable schedule (you dont know when you get the reward)
Intermittent -reinforcement effect
It will be much more resistant to extinction