ch.4 socialization and the life course Flashcards
What is socialization?
Its a lifelong process in which people learn appropriate attitudes, values, and behaviors
Whats the role of socialization?
- To learn how to behave properly(micro perspective)
- Allowing the transmission of culture from one generation to the next (macro perspective)
- Contributes to shaping our personalities
What is a personality?
Its a persons typical patterns of attitudes, needs, characteristics, and behavior
What shapes human development?
Interaction of heredity and environment
Socialization and the self
The view of ourselves comes from contemplation of personal qualities and impressions of how others perceive us
What is the self?
Its a distinct identity that sets us apart from others
Charles Horton Cooley The Looking-Glass Self
View of ourselves comes from contemplation of personal qualities and impressions of how others perceive us
What does Looking-Glass self mean?
It means that the self is a product of social interactions with other people
The self develops in 3 phases what are they?
1-We imagine how we present ourselves to others
2-We imagine how others evaluate us
3-We develop a feeling/view about ourselves
Our self image is based on what?
Its based on our imagination of how others view us
George Herbert Mead suggested
That the self develops in relationship to others in the process of socialization
The self emerges in three distinct stages
1-The preparatory stage
2-The play stage
3-The game stage
What is the preparatory stage?
Where children imitate people around them especially those they continually interact with (where it is the human basis of communication)
What is the play stage?
Where children develop a skill in communicating through symbols
What is the game stage?
Where children of about 8 or 9 consider several actual tasks and relationships simultaneously
What is an example of the game stage?
In a basketball game the child is aware of both his/her role and those of others
What are generalized other when it comes to the game stage?
Attitudes, viewpoints, and expectations of a society as a whole that a child takes into account in his or her behavior
How does the self begin?
The self begins as a privileged, central position in a persons world
What happens to the self as a person matures?
The self changes and begins to reflect greater concern about reactions of others
What does significant others mean?
They are individuals that are most important in the development of the self
What is the impression management according to goffman in the presentation of the self?
Where an individual learns to slant presentation of self to create distinctive appearances and satisfy particular audiences
What is face-work?
Its the need to maintain proper image of self to continue social interaction
Dramaturgical approach
Goffman makes many parallels to the theatre according to goffman people resemble performers in action
What are rites of passage?
They are dramatizing and validating changes in a persons personal status
What is the life course approach?
Takes into account social factors that influence people at all stages throughout their lives, from birth to death.
What are the two types of socialization that can be distinguished from one another?
1-Anticipatory socialization
What is Anticipatory socialization?
Its a process in which a person learns appropriate patterns (attitude, behavior, taste) for future positions, jobs and social relationships
Where does anticipatory socialization start?
It starts in childhood and continues in adolescence, in adulthood and throughout life as we take up new responsibilities
Example for anticipatory socialization
Students start thinking about university, where and what they want to study
What is resocialization?
It refers to the process of discarding former behavior patterns and accepting new ones as part of a transition in ones life
Resocialization is associated with what?
Its associated with efforts to transform individuals, it may cause a lot of stress to the individual
Resocialization is particularly effective within a what?
Within a total institution
What is a total institution according to goffman?
As one that regulates individuals life in all its aspects
Example for total institution
Prison, the military, mental hospital, convent
What are agents of socialization?
1-Family 2-School 3-Peer group 4-Mass media and technology 5-Workplace 6-State and religion
What is family in the agent of socialization?
Usually primary agent and/or most important agent in childrens socializations. many of societies norms and values are learnt in the family including gender roles. culture matters
What are gender roles?
They are expectations regarding proper behavior, attitudes, and activities of males and females
When does gender role socialization start?
Gender role socialization starts in early childhood
What is school in the agent of socialization?
Its a very important role of socialization for children and adolescents in many societies
According to the functionalist theory what does school teach?
It teaches values and customs of larger society
What do conflict theorists argue about school?
Conflict theorists argue that schools reinforce social class divisions
What is the feminist theories about school?
That school traditionally socializes children into conventional gender roles
Peer group
As children grow older, peer groups increasingly assume roles of meads significant others (where children take the role of others where they pretend to be other people in their play when doing so they learn what other people expect of them)
The peer group can become more important and influential than?
The family
Gender differences in the peer group are noteworthy among
What is mass media and technology in the agent of socialization?
Where television and the internet are among the critical forces in socialization of children in the U.S. and increasingly in many other countries around the globe
What is workplace in the agent of socialization?
Its learning to behave appropriately within occupational settings is a fundamental aspect of human socialization
When is occupational socialization intense?
Its most intense during transition from school to full-time employment
How does occupational socialization continue?
It continues as individuals change occupations and even when one remains in one occupation during which technology changes constantly
What is state and religion in the agent of socialization?
Its how government and organized religion impact life course