Ch4 Outbreak of WWII in Europe Flashcards
Timelines to supplement these notes
When did the Peace Paris Conference take place?
How did the worldwide economic depression happen?
- world trade boom
- USA provided loans stabilise Germany’s economy
- US stock market crashed
Why were international tensions low before 1929?
- economy flourshing
- League of Nations effective
When did the Great Depression occur?
What are the 4 main effects of great depression?
- protectionism
- calling in loans
- rearmament
- radicalism
What is protectionism in the Great Depression? Which countries did this?
What is it?
- introducing tariffs protect own industry
- limit stop imports
- trade volume fall worldwide
which countries?
- Britian, France, USA
Calling in loans in G.D. -> Which countries participated in it?
Which countries did it
- USA (Call loans from Germany)
- Lead, collapse business
- Caused mass unemployment
Which countries participated in Rearmament during the Great Depression? Why did they do that?
- Britian
- Germany
- Italy
- Japan
- create jobs
Which countries participated in Radicalism? What are their regimes called?
- Nazi Party
- More aggressive (fasicist)
When did Fasicism rise?
Who was the leader of Italy, what were his ideals, and how did he use the Great Depression to fit his ideals?
- Want Italian Empire arnd North Africa
- Discussed alliance w/ Hitler
- Used Depression, opportunity, tighten grip on banks, industries
Overarching things that caused the collapse of European Peace
Authoritarian Regimes
Failures of LoN (1930)
- Failure, Disarmament
- Abyssnian Crisis
- Allowing Anchuluss, Austria, Remil. Rhineland
Policy, Appeasement
- Munich Agreement
Nazi-Soviet Non-Aggression Pact
What is the Washington Naval Conference? When was it? Was it a success?
1921, success!
- Intiated by USA, not LoN
- Limit size, number of warships held by Britian, France, Japan, USA
- Ratio of Tonnange of Captial Ships set
5 : 5 : 3 : 1.6 : 1.6
What is the Locarno Treaties? When was it, and was it successful?
1920s, partially successful
- Outside, LoN
- 7 countries inclu Britian, Czech, Germany
- Weimar govt. agree, settle any disputes w/ countries, thru League
- Germany accept Western borders, demilitarised Rhineland
What was the League Comission to prepare for World Disarmament Conference? Was it successful or failed?
- Britian, France refused to co-operate
What is the Kellogg-Briand Pact? Was it successful or failed?
- Outside of LoN, between 15 countries
- Agreement that force should not be used to settle disputes
- HOWEVER No clear way to enforce this pact.
What is the world disarmament conference? When was it held? What happened during the Conference?
- tried to control offensive weapons, prohibit bombing of civilians, chemical walfare
- all countries cannot agree on what offensive/defensive weapons are
- all attempts to abolish planes capable of bombing, chemical warfare unsuccessful
- Individual countries raise their own particular issues
how did world disarmament conference end (talking about Germany)? was it a success or failure?
- ToV should b fairer -> Germany (everyone)
- disarm, level of Germany, let Germany rearm
- Everyone hesitant, first option, France hesitant, second option
- France offered larger armed forces than Germany if Germany was allowed to rearm, or Britian, USA guarantee to fight with France
- disagreements continued, Germany accuse others of hypocrisy
- 1932 Germany put out proposal for all countries disarm down to it’s level
- Conference failed, agree on “equality”, Germany had enough
- walked out
Why did Disarmament Conference happen again at 1933 even after it broke up at 1932?
Recall: Broke up bcoz’ of disagreements n failure to agree on what is “equality”
- Adolf Hitler seemed interested to disarm
- behind the scenes League officials work with Germany + other major powers
What did Hitler do during the Disarmament Conference?
- Start rearmament plan
- said Germany wouldn’t rearm, other nations disarm in 5yrs
- Put pressure on France
Why did Mussolini want to invade Abyssnia?
- Bring back glory days of Roman Empire
- Friendship with Nazi Germany enboldened him to invade
- Revenge for humiliating defeat against Abyssnian tribesmen
How did Mussolini try to negotiate for Abyssnia?
1 Negotiate with the League for Abyssnia
2 Move forces into land next to Abyssnia
What was Mussolini’s first act of aggression against Abyssnia?
- claiming Wal-Wal Oasis from Abyssnia as there was a dispute over it
What were Hitler’s true intentions when attending the Conference?
Get justification to rearm Germany since other countries wouldn’t disarm
What is the Stresa Front? When was it signed?
Stresa Front, 1935
(just before Abyssnian Crisis)
Coalition -> Italy, Britian, France, oppose Germany’s intent to rearm
How did the British public react after realising that Mussolini wanted to negotiate for Abyssnia? What did the politicians do in response?
- Public outcry
British Foreign Secetary: Made speech to League supporting rights of small nations, collective security
Why was Britian and France scared of upsetting Mussolini? What did they do?
- Potential ally against Hitler
- Don’t want Mussolini to ally w Hitler
what did they do
- blame neither side for Wal-Wal Incident
- Put forward plan to give Mussolini some parts of Abyssnia (rejected by Mussolini)
- Hoare-Laval Pact
What is the Hoare-Laval Pact? When was it discussed?
- Secretly discussed Pact to give Mussolini 2/3 of Abyssnia to call off invasion
- Pact was leaked to French and British, felt it was treachery
- Hoare, Laval sacked, pact dropped
When did Mussolini invade Abyssnia? What was the outcome?
Abyssnia lost
How did the League react to Mussolini’s invasion of Abyssnia?
Discuss sanctions
- League ban arms sales, all loans, export of rubbber, metals, all imports from Italy
- stop oil sales
Were the League’s sanctions towards Mussolini effective? Why?
not effective
- America increased supplies of oil to Italy
- Suez Canal still open to Italy’s supply ships
- Britian, France afraid of closing Canal
Why didn’t Britian and France close the Suez Canal?
- Scared that closing canal result in war w/ Italy
How many countries protested against Mussolini’s actions of invading Abyssnia?
When did Italy conquer Abyssnia? What happened to the Abyssnian Emperor?
- May 1936: Mussolini conquers Abyssnia
- Abyssnian Emperor went into exile
Why did the League lose credibility in Hitler and the public’s eyes through the Abyssnian Crisis?
- Failure to impose sancitons
- Leak of Hoare-Laval Pact
When was Anglo-German Naval Pact signed? What was it for?
- Allow Germany to build small-size navy (against ToV)