Ch.4 Flashcards
Why is it important to know how deaf individuals identify themselves?
It is a sign of understanding their culture, identity, and providing respect.
Why is deaf labeled as pride and solidarity?
They share similar experiences, some form of communication, culture, norm, value, and more.
Why do deaf individuals dislike the term “hearing impaired?”
Hearing impaired is a negative, stigmatizing, and prefer to be labeled as “Deaf.”
For interpreters, they need to use a variety of sign communication modes, why?
There is a spectrum that interpreters move from one side to another. It goes from ASL structure to an English-base system form as Seeing Exact English (SEE). The interpreter should be able to manage where they need to be in the spectrum with the consumer (matching their prefer communication style). Code switching or mixing can happen.
What is important to know about foreign countries?
Each country has their own sign language used by Deaf individuals living in that country. You will come across meeting different individuals who use different signs than what you use in the U.S. (there is also international signs)
How are home signs different from ASL?
Home signs are signs that are created at home within your family. Those signs are gestures and manual signals to communicate within the family or close family friends. ASL is to be used outside of your home so others can understand.
How can interpreters approach a person who has a minimal language skill?
A person who has a minimal language skill is a person who experienced a loss of their language, writing, education, etc.. Pictures, drawing, gestures, and more can be helpful for individuals who have a minimal language.
Why is it important for an interpreter to know if the client identifies as Deaf, hard of hearing, or oral?
To be able to understand their culture, and what style is best for them to communicate with their client, how to adjust their interpreting spectrum, and respect.
What is the difference between Deaf and deaf?
deaf is referring to a group of people to the audiological condition of not hearing (how they identify themselves) and Deaf with an uppercase is when a group of deaf people who share a language and culture (ASL).
What is the difference between Seeing Essential English (SEE1), Signing Exact English (SEE2), and Signed English (SE)?
SEE1- each syllable is given a separate manual movement
SEE2- combination of SEE1 and ASL
SE- English grammatical order with ASL signs