CH3.4 Flashcards
people whose neurological development and cognitive functions are atypical
Neurological Disorders
are recognised as a disability but can also represent normal variation in cognitive function
neurodevelopmental disorder that affects the way people communicate and interact with others and the world
Characteristics of Autism
▪ Persistent difficulties in interacting and communicating with others
▪ Interests and activities are extremely limited
▪ Atypical reactions to stimuli
▪ Over or under sensitivity to
- Lighting
- Sounds
- Taste
- Smells
- Touch
▪ Bad at social interaction
▪ Bad at communicating how they feel into words
What does ADHD stand for
Attention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder
is a disorder involving a persistent pattern of inattention, and/or hyperactive-impulsive behaviour -> function of everyday
Characteristics of ADHD
- Hyper active
- Not able to remain still
- Impulsivity -> act on spur
- Do not consider the consequences of actions
- Unable to control the urge to blurt things in a conversation
Types of ADHD
Predominantly inattentive presentation -> associated with attention
Predominantly hyperactive-impulsive presentation -> associated with hyperactivity and impulsivity
Combined presentation -> associated with attention, hyperactivity and impulsivity
types of ADHD can change over time
any impairment that makes it significantly more difficult for a person to undertake everyday activities, something about a person that makes it more difficult for the everyday
Learning Disability/learning disorder
any disorder that impairs learning
Difference between disability vs learning difficult
Disability -> long term
Difficulty -> short term in and may change
Types of learning disabilities
significant difficulties with accurate and fluent word reading, spelling and writing words -> impaired ability to process sounds, to make connections between written letters and their sounds
condition that affects the ability to acquire mathematical concepts and skills -> people this condition have a hard time understanding number concepts and calculation
condition that affects coordination of physical movements, which may include muscles for speaking
Effects of Dyslexia
- difficulty distinguishing the sound of one word from another
- difficulty learning the letter names and sounds for reading and spelling
- difficulty in reading single words, e.g. words on flash cards or in a list
- difficulty recognising ‘sight words’ like it, the, or and
- lack of accuracy and fluency when attempting to read, e.g. reading slowly with many mistakes
- reading or writing letters the wrong way around, e.g. reversing two letters in a word without realising it, such b instead of d, p for q and u for n
- poor or inconsistent spelling
Cause of Dyslexia
present from birth -> life long
Characteristics of Dyscalculia
- counting
- understanding simple number concepts
- learning how to manipulate numbers
- learning basic Maths facts
- learning how to measure quantities
- learning how to solve numerical problems
Effects on Dyspraxia
- Dressing
- Self-care skills
- School skills such as handwriting
Recreation and sports participation