Ch.24 Gynecologic Emergencies Flashcards
onset of menstration
usually 11-16 y/o, although can be early or late
end of menstrual activity
common around 50 y/o
Sperm move through cervix, into uterus, up into fallopian tube where one fertilizes the ovum.
Embryo travels into uterus and attaches to uterine wall.
Pelvic inflammatory disease (PID)
Infection of upper female reproductive organs
uterus, ovaries, fallopian tubes
Disease causing organisms enter vagina during sex and migrate through cervix into uterine cavity
Can expand to fallopian tubes and cause scarring leading to complications in pregnancy like ectopic or sterility, or ovary abscess
Ectopic pregnancy
pregnancy that develops outside of uterus (usually fallopian tube)
sign: generalized lower abdominal pain
-abnormal and foul smell vaginal discharge, pain during sex, fever, genera malaise (discomfort), nausea/vomit
most common STD in US
lower abdominal pain, low back pain, nausea, fever, sex pain, bleeding between menstrual cycles
Can progress to PID
Bacterial vaginosis
most common vaginal infection women 15-44
itching, burning, fish smell discharge
Pregnant women could have premature birth
Can lead to PID
can grow in reproductive tract, mouth, throat, eyes, anus
More severe in men than women
Symptoms 2-10 days after exposure
women can go long time asympotmatic
painful urination, burn/itch, foul discharge, blood during sex
cramping/abdominal pain, nausea/vomit, bleeding between menstrual cycle=progess to PID
Vaginal bleeding early in pregnancy
Might not know they’re pregnant
Ectopic pregnancy, spontaneous abortion
When is vaginal bleeding bad enough to examine
When it sufficient enough to cause shock