Ch.1 EMS Systems Flashcards
Recognize the presence of other first responders at a scene with EMS training, some knowledge of first aid, or merely good
intentions, and their need for direction.
(pp 10–11)
People can or can’t help, you must determine upon scene size up + orchestrate their attempts to help.
Explain the guiding principles of EMS Agenda
2050. (p 12)
-Safe and effective to minimize injury
-Integrated and seamless with other EMS and healthcare
-Reliable and prepared, guided by research
-Socially equitable: not determined by pt age, gender, socioeconomic, ethnicity
-Sustainable + efficient: fiscally responsible
-Adaptable + innovative: evolve to meet needs, new tools and systems
Medical control
Online: direct order by phone, radio
Offline: standing orders, training, protocols
Characterize the EMT’s role in disease and injury prevention and public education in the
community. (pp 19–20)
Primary prevention: educate the community; teach CPR / 1st aid, fall prevention
Secondary prevention: Patient reports used to gather data and provide statistics for new policy
Describe the roles and responsibilities of the
EMT. (pp 21–23)
-Keep vics + equipment ready
-Ensure everyone’s safety
-Operate emergency vic
-Evaluate scene, lead scene
-Call for assistance
-Gain PT access, Assess PT
-Provide med care, emotional support
-resolve incidents
-Uphold med + legal standards
-Ensure PT privacy