Ch.2 Sociological Research Flashcards
Why is Sociological Research Necessary?
To better understand influential factors in people’s everyday lives. (to understand society)
Five ways of Knowing the World.
- Personal Experience
- Tradition
- Authority
- Religion
- Science
Obtaining knowledge by direct, systematic observation.
Normative Approach
Uses religion, tradition, or authority to answer questions.
Scientific Knowledge
systematic and public
statement of the relationship between two or more variables.
Creating a hypothesis and then testing it.
personal biases and values should not affect the outcome of research.
Exploratory Research
helps us understand more of an area that is not well established.
Descriptive research
describes social reality - what, where, when, etc.
Explanatory research
attempts to explain relationships and provide information on why certain events do or do not occur.
Evaluation research
assess the need for, or effectiveness of a social program (needs assessment).
Empowerment research
goal is to improve conditions of a particular group or social setting.
a (set of logically interrelated statements) that attempts to describe, explain, and occasionally predict social events.
the process of systematically collecting information for the purposes of testing an existing theory or generating a new one.