Ch. 9 Family Flashcards
Traditional Family
A group of people who are related to one another by bonds of blood, marriage, or adoption and who live together: form an economic unit and bear/ raise children.
Kinship System
A social network of people based on common ancestry, marriage, or adoption
A legally recognized or socially approved arrangement between two or more individuals that carries certain rights and obligations.
Marriage differences
Never been married is different than not married currently.
Family Structure
Monogamy: marriage to one person at a time (the legal pattern in Canada).
One person married to two or more other people.
Polygyny vs Polyandry
Economic difference.
Polygyny: Many woman married to one man.
Polyandry: One woman married to many men.
Family Violence
highly underreported as it takes place behind closed doors.
Family Difficulties
-Poverty, cultural destruction and violence. Indicative of an absence of social supports for families in today’s society.
Functionalist perspective
Emphasize the importance of the family in maintaining stability.
Durkheim: labor contributed to division in social life in families.
Parsons family model and functions
-Sexual regulation
-Economic and psychological support
-Provision of social status
Family Conflict perspective
Patriarchy vs Matriarchy
Symbolic Family Interactionism
-Families are socially constructed
-Each family has a unique understanding of their identity
-Marriages are socially constructed
A couple living together without being legally married.
Is still very popular in spite of high rates of divorce.
The practice of marriage between individuals who have similar characteristics such as social class, race/ethnicity and age.
Dual income families
(Most Families) in which both partners are in the labour force.
Second Shift
The domestic work that employed women perform at home after their formal workday.
Voluntary Childness
About 33% of couples decide not to have children before they marry
Involuntary Childness
Infertility issues.
Reproductive technologies
-Test tube babies or in vitro fertilization
-Artificial insemination
Single Parents
Mostly women about 80% in Canada.
Family Violence
-Spouse Abuse
-Child abuse
-Dating violence
-Same sex violence
-Elderly abuse
-Sibling violence
-Children against parents
Probability: about 30-40% of marriages will end in divorce.
Gay and Lesbian Families
Less rights than heterosexual parents.
Aboriginal Families
-Extended family
-Economic Cooperation
-60’s scoop
-Colonization effects
-New: to reclaim their own culture and traditions.
Family issues
-Family diversity
-Dual Earners
-Reproductive technologies
-Socialization and mass media