ch19 Flashcards
All of the following are amniotes except one. Select the exception.
Salamanders are members of the order
Caecilians are members of the order
Members of the order __________ are wormlike burrowers.
Members of the order __________ have caudal vertebrae fused into a urostyle.
The major component of the diet of most amphibians is
Members of which of the following groups are most closely related to the salamanders?
Which of the following regions of the skeleton of an amphibian is the point of attachment of the hind limbs to the vertebral column?
______ are processes on trunk vertebrae of amphibians. They provide support when an amphibian is out of the water and prevent twisting of the vertebral column.
All of the following are true of the heart of amphibians except one. Select the exception.
There is complete separation of oxygenated and less oxygenated blood throughout the heart.
The ___________ directs blood away from the pulmonary circulation when a frog is burrowed into the mud at the bottom of a pond.
constriction of blood vessels leading to the lungs
A portion of the gas exchange in amphibians occurs across the moist surfaces of the mouth and pharynx. This process is called
buccopharyngeal respiration.
Unlike fishes, the amphibian ear includes a/an
middle ear and tympanic membrane
Low frequency warning sounds are transmitted to the inner ear of amphibians through the operculum and the
All but one of the following are used by some adult amphibians when they are on land to conserve water or replace lost water. Select the exception.
intentional drinking
This type of organism has been recently been implicated in local and mass die-offs of amphibians.
Which of the following is closest to the number of currently recognized extant amphibian species?
Frogs and toads are in which phylum?
It is likely that the “amphibians” actually represent paraphyletic groups.
Members of the order Anura possess a tongue that is attached at the anterior margin of the jaw and have glands on the tongue that exude sticky secretions. Their tongue is used in a flip-and-grab feeding mechanism.
Most salamanders have internal fertilization. A male deposits a spermatophore, which is picked up and stored by a female. Eggs are fertilized as the female deposits them.
In adult amphibians, embryonic aortic arch VI becomes pulmonary arteries.
Vision is a very important sense for most amphibians because they are primarily sight feeders.
The upper eyelid of an amphibian forms a transparent membrane that cleans and protects the eye. This membrane is called the nictitating membrane.
Amphibians were the first vertebrates to possess a cervical vertebra. This vertebra increases the flexibility of the vertebral column during locomotion on land.
In addition to disappearing from areas that have suffered habitat destruction, some amphibian populations have declined in areas where local damage has not occurred.
The worldwide transport of the African clawed frog Xenopus laevis has been implicated in spreading amphibian disease around the globe.