ch 18 Flashcards
Which infraphylum contains the Hagfish?
Members of the vertebrate class ____________ include the sharks, skates, and rays.
This class of bony fishes contains the lungfishes and coelacanths.
Ammocoete larvae would be found
partially buried, filter feeding in a freshwater stream or river.
Adult members of the infraphylum Hyperotreti
are scavengers, feeding on dead and dying fish.
Members of which of the following vertebrate classes is believed to have given rise to ancient amphibians?
A vascular network that allows gases to move from the blood stream into a fish’s swim bladder is called the
rete mirabile.
Gases are reabsorbed into the blood stream from a swim bladder at the
rete mirabile.
The lateral line system may function in all of the following except one. Select the exception.
buoyancy regulation
Blood flows from the conus ateriosus of the heart of a fish toward the
All of the following are adaptations of freshwater fish for osmoregulation except one. Select the exception.
actively transporting salts out of the blood at the gills
Most fishes excrete ______ as the primary nitrogenous byproduct of protein metabolism.
Diadromous fishes
migrate between freshwater and marine environments.
___________ are thought to be a part of the evolutionary lineage leading to terrestrial vertebrates.
Osteoleptifom fishes
Which of the following is not a member of the infraphylum Vertebrata?
Gnathostomata is a monophyletic grouping and includes all of the following except one. Select the exception.
Blood and water move in opposite directions on either side of a gill lamellar epithelium. This movement provides very efficient gas exchange between blood and water and is called a countercurrent exchange mechanism.
Sharks, skates, and rays regulate buoyancy using a swim bladder with a pneumatic duct connected to the esophagus.
All members of the class Chondrichthyes possess placoid scales and lack an operculum.
Lungfishes are probably the direct ancestors of the terrestrial vertebrates, according to recent evidence.
Blood flows through the heart of a fish in the following sequence: conus arteriosus, ventricle, atrium, sinus venosus, ventral aorta.
All fishes have a heart with a single, undivided ventricle and a single, undivided atrium.
Some elasmobranchs and open ocean fishes force water over their gills by holding their mouth open while swimming. This method of gill ventilation is called ram ventilation.
Most zoologists believe that swim bladders, like those found in modern bony fishes, were the forerunner of lungs.
The tissues of a shark are isosmotic with seawater because of the accumulation of urea in body tissues.
The limbs of some fossil sarcopterygian fishes show structural homologies with the limbs of tetrapods.
The notochord is retained in adult hagfish
Osteichthyes is a monophyletic grouping.