Ch11 Recovery Model Flashcards
True or false? Recovery involves the development of new meaning and purpose in one’s life as one grows through the catastrophic effects of mental illness.
A life in recovery is supported by 4 dimensions:
- Health: overcome or manage disease and live in physical/emotional healthy ways
- Stable and Safe Home
- Purpose: job, school, income independence
- Community: relationship/social networks HOPE
Hope is a catalyst of ____
The recovery process
Guided principles of recovery
- Recovery emerges from hope
- recovery is person driven (self-determination)
- recovery occurs via many pathways (recovery is personalized because individuals are unique in their needs)
- recovery is holistic (encompasses whole life)
- recovery is supported by peers and allies
- recovery is supported through relationship and social networks
- Recovery is culturally-based and influenced
- recovery is supported by addressing trauma
- recovery involves an individual, family, and community strengths and responsibility
- recovery is based on respect (societal acceptance and protecting rights of mentally ill)
The Tidal Model of Recovery
Person-centered approach.
- Value the voice: The person is encouraged to tell his or her story
- Respect the language: speak in their own words
- Develop genuine curiosity: genuine interest in the story
- Become the apprentice: the pt is the expert on their story and they must be the leader in deciding what needs to be done. Nurse can develop plan of care based in the individual
- Use the available toolkit: identify in the story what worked and what didn’t work or might of worked
- Craft the step beyond: determine what client needs to do to make the “first step”
- Give the gift of time: Spend quality time in a therapeutic relationship w/pt
- Review personal wisdom: help patients identify personal strength and inner wisdom
- Know that change is constant
- Be transparent: help pt understand exactly what is being done and why
The Wellness Recovery Action Plan (WRAP) -recovery model
Step 1: develop a wellness toolbox: (a list or strategies that have previously worked to relieve disturbing symptoms) journaling, peer counseling, phys exercise, listening to music, doing something special for someone
Step 2: daily maintenance list: pt1- how do you feel about achieving wellness? Pt2- pt makes a list of things they need to do everyday to maintain wellness (exercise, take meds) Pt3- Pt keeps a list of things that need to be done and reads it daily
Step 3: triggers: pt1-list triggers that cause distress pt2- list items from wellness toolbox to help cope
Step 4: early warning signs: pt1- identify early warning signs pt2- plans to deal w/it (talk to counselor)
Step 5: things are breaking down or getting worse- pt1- identify signs of getting worse that could lead to crisis ( thoughts of self harm, substance abuse) pt2- develop plan (call dr, have friend spend time w/pt)
Step 6: Crisis planning: identify symptoms that pt can no longer care for themselves (meant for use of caregivers)
The psychological recovery model: MAPRG
Stage 1: moratorium: stage of dark despair/confusion. Hopelessness. Pt feels out of control and powerless to change. Pt feels that they no longer know who they are as a person. Fundamental beliefs are challenged with mental illness diagnosis
Stage 2: Awareness: pt realizes possibility for recovery. Dawn of hope. Awareness of the need to control one’s life-personal empowerment to do so. Realizes they are “separate” from the illness. Tries to comprehend illness and why it occurred.
Stage 3: Preparation: pt decide to begin work by preparing. Hope is manifested. Identify strengths/weaknesses. Learning how to recognize and manage symptoms.
For more components that are evident in recovery process
Hope, responsibility, self and identity, meaning and purpose
Nurse encourages client to be as independent as possible but offers assistance when required
The tidal model
Client tells story. Nurse actively listens and expresses genuine interest and helps client record in their own language. And client identifies specific problems to be addressed.
The tidal model
Client develops a wellness toolbox
The wrap model
The wellness toolbox is based on
Strategies, tools, and skills that have been helpful in the past
Client identified strengths and weaknesses
The WRAP model
The nurse and client identify clients strengths and weaknesses
The tidal model and Psychological Recovery Model
Client is feeling hopeless and powerless and seeks meaning of illness
Psychological recovery model
Nurse offers hope
Psychological recovery model
Client begins to develop awareness of the need to take control and responsibility of their life after nurse offers hope
Psychological recovery model
Nurse and client determine what has worked in the past and both decide what must be done as the first step
The tidal model
Client decides what changes he or she would like to make and sets realistic goals
The tidal model and psychological recovery model
Nurse gives the “gift of time”
The tidal model
Client creates a daily maintenance list: how he/she feels at best, what must be done daily and a reminder list
The WRAP model
Client identifies “triggers”
The WRAP model
Client identifies signs of worsening symptoms and develops a plan to prevent escalation
The WRAP model
Client identifies when symptoms have worsened and help is needed
The WRAP model
Client identifies when he or she can no longer care for self and makes decisions (in writing) about treatment issues and who will represent their interest
The WRAP model
Client resolves to begin work of recovery
Psychological recovery model
Client AND nurse identify strengths and weaknesses (intervention)
Psychological recovery model
Nurse ASSISTS client to learn about the effects of the illness and how to recognize, monitor, and manage symptoms
Psychological recovery model
Client examines personal spirituality: A “reason to start each day”
Psychological recovery model
Client maintains commitment to recovery in the face of setbacks with a sense of optimism and a hope for a rewarding future
Psychological recovery model
True or false? Mental health recovery is not a collaborative process
False. Mental health recovery is a collaborative process